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  1. Pepsidoodle

    What a bummer!

    ooooo fingers crossed that it all gets sorted out & you are happy with the replacement & end result It must be really nice to get a quick resolution (hint hint hint to anyone that might be reading)
  2. Pepsidoodle

    Emma on Rocks TV

    Emma??? Ooooo hello Emma!! But where was it that you all saw her before???
  3. Pepsidoodle

    My Diwali haul

    Y'know I've got the green pearls & thought that they looked like, well, it could be loads of colours - its nice tho!!! I've also got the amethyst bracelet & necklace - & love em. The necklace fits me when its on its largest setting so I'm well chuffed Lovely hubby for the Diwali present too...
  4. Pepsidoodle

    Anyone else getting slightly embarrassed at the number of deliveries they receive?!

    :lol: teeheeehee this has made me chuckle
  5. Pepsidoodle

    Just been a Hedgehog fest on Rocks

    :53: I have a white topaz hedgie It looks lovely tooo It will make sending back the citrine one sooo much easier lol
  6. Pepsidoodle

    Anyone else getting slightly embarrassed at the number of deliveries they receive?!

    You are doing a public service there Pearlgirl - can I come & work with you!!! Glad the parcel arrived Mr Jones - are the contents lovely???? I hope so Wonder if a DPD delivery man calendar would work, y'know like the fireman calendar ones, purely tasteful designs though :rofl: I think I'm...
  7. Pepsidoodle


    I agree with a lot of comments about the catalogue, & love the idea of having somewhere for the next item coming up (if you are sticking with one item at a time). I don't like the lack of catalogue info either. & can I add necklaces to the measurement issue. For example, I won a necklace...
  8. Pepsidoodle

    I made it!!

    CooooooooooEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hellooooooo Dunno who I am on rocks :lol:
  9. Pepsidoodle

    Boo Hoo Garnet Earrings

    ooooo Janey you are good - I'll be able to get a bale on it myself :clap: I got the replacement pair tonight & they seem just as sparkley which is brill (although I need to look properly too) Also got my plastic back thingies which seem snug so its all good! & feeling your pain too Jacqualina...
  10. Pepsidoodle

    Boo Hoo Garnet Earrings

    Well, as I had the chance to add to my existing order I requested the earrings on Sunday and got a pair (thanks Carol for putting them for sale on just the piccy). I paid quite a bit more than what I paid originally - but the price was not that different to the starting price and P&P of an...
  11. Pepsidoodle

    small delivery - nice

    Right - when I looked at the piccy I went "OH MY LIFE" Yes I shouted too :lol: because I wouldn't have thought that they were so tiny & just on a shepherds crook thing - I thought there were on a proper gold bit making the whole thing much bigger I'll give you £2 :rofl:
  12. Pepsidoodle

    I'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!!1

    Whats the difference between raising problems as you are experiencing them & whinging/being negative/moaning? Apologies as this is more of a rhetorical question, but I can remember the beta testing days, and will raise my concerns so that the team can know about them and put them right...
  13. Pepsidoodle

    Attempting photos of bling !!

    Oooo thanks for posting and answering the qus about the circles pendants - the size does really make a difference Lovely collection too!!
  14. Pepsidoodle

    New Style Rocks

    On the first night I was checking the buy it now prices and also spotted this issue. Hopefully it is a programming error and the IT bods are on to it. If not they really should be!!
  15. Pepsidoodle

    The lovely Carol

    it doesn't surprise me as I heard some good singing when she forgot to be bad at it lol EDIT - unless it was actually the other way round........
  16. Pepsidoodle

    New Style Rocks

    Sammi you are not alone. I popped by tonight & the sound was appalling - totally disjointed, the delay was terrible too. I decided to not bother with checking out tonight but to try tomorrow
  17. Pepsidoodle

    Boo Hoo Garnet Earrings

    & then whenever u see the one left it reminds u of how nice they were...... but at least i know I;m not alone
  18. Pepsidoodle

    Boo Hoo Garnet Earrings

    just found em on the 'new' website :cry: doesn't look like I'll be getting them then
  19. Pepsidoodle

    New Style Rocks

    My immediate reaction was 'thank gawd I didn't recommend this to my friend yesterday' If my opinion changes I'll post again.
  20. Pepsidoodle

    Boo Hoo Garnet Earrings

    ahhhh thank you all - I knew you would 'feel my pain'. I will invest in some of those placcy backs I think. Unfortunately, I wasn't im my car (although have checked mine) & was at a place 60 miles away that is huge & I only visit once a week - so the odds are stacked up against me. As...