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  1. Pepsidoodle

    just wanted to drop by and say hi!

    Cherrypicker - you are not alone I haven't been able to go to rocks for ages - its been so long I can't remember :cry: I hope your pc gets better much quicker than mine (mine is suffering with a severe lack of ££££ due to my car needing brakes)
  2. Pepsidoodle

    Rocks & Co

    So I'm guessing that I shouldn't expect a reply from my e-mail next week then......... (I phoned up to send back something that was faulty & was told that I didn't need a fault code thing, I thought it was odd, but sent the stuff back, surprise surprise no P&P refund.....e-mail sent late on the...
  3. Pepsidoodle

    When are Morganite Ear rings, not Morganite Ear rings??

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww spoilsport!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Pepsidoodle

    When are Morganite Ear rings, not Morganite Ear rings??

    Pah - little things like that wouldn't stop me!!!!!!!! [cue an evil laugh] :rofl:
  5. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    I still can't stay in the auction room, but have been hassling Andrew to see if there's stuff I can check/try Bless him - Andrew is a star & a saint for putting up with all my hassling!! lol
  6. Pepsidoodle

    Rocks & Co. to join Freeview

    Awwwwwwwwww pants but thanks for letting me know Unfotunately the only freeview box I'll be getting is one thats free :rofl:
  7. Pepsidoodle

    Rocks & Co. to join Freeview

    Thicko question alert Does this mean that I'll be able to watch it on virgin???
  8. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    Thanks to both of you Andy is a gem bless him - ta for his e-mail addy Think my tinkering is done for tonight to (am getting a bit hacked off to be honest, whatever the problem is rocks really taps into it). Its amazing how much you miss something when its not available!!!
  9. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    Thanks Sazza but now I'm confused (its not hard!!!) I wish there was some online support available like I have at work (y'know the people that can take remote access of your machine & sort it all out!!!)
  10. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    yeah - I know....that's why I think its gonna be expensive :cry:
  11. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    Thanks Cleo I've given it a try but still stuck I can only have flash 9 - I'm guessing the rocks needs the new flash10 or its my poor old abacus style windows98!!!
  12. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    phew this site is back to normal but I still have the same problems with rocks Thanks again for the suggestion - I'll try anything thats free to sort this out!!!
  13. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    Ahhh thanks Mad4 I was unsure if I had the most up-to date version for my operating system so I went to their website. I think I've downloaded & installed something too superior for my pc (& this is after selecting the correct operating system from their options!!) as its now gone splat &...
  14. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    awwwwwwww thank you its a new operating system I think or a new puter I'm taking the machine to a puter place on my week orf....I just hope the solution is cheep!!
  15. Pepsidoodle

    Can't stay in the auction room

    I was planning to pop in and out of the auction today (its such a luxury to be able to do this on a weekday :smile: ) but I find that rocks auction site freezes & crashes my internet. :cry: I thought it was chat, but even having that off doesn't help, nor does the usual tricks. I'm glad the...
  16. Pepsidoodle

    we need to know everything

    thank you all for sharing I really appreciate it
  17. Pepsidoodle

    we need to know everything

    ooooooooo watching???? As in you were there - or is there footage available somewhere??????
  18. Pepsidoodle

    we need to know everything

    Awwwwwwwwwwww so glad to hear you had a fab day Just wish that I could of been there to share it with y'all Did you manage to resist temptation????????
  19. Pepsidoodle

    we need to know everything

    what - gave as in free - as in literally gave it away wow what a bonuse & lovely gesture do I spy nametags being worn???? & who was taking the piccy?????????
  20. Pepsidoodle

    we need to know everything

    erm but not literally - just in case it sounded rood :help: