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  1. Hillary

    Lectures from Mike

    Moet love! Nice to see you back. I'd thought you'd gone on holiday.... maybe with your goddess?
  2. Hillary

    ASA not upheld complaint but misleading

    I've still got all mine... and no, I don't put them in a glass of water at night
  3. Hillary

    ASA not upheld complaint but misleading

    Absolutely crazy! Blatant spiv tactics and yet not upheld. Who do we report the ASA to? They are not fit for purpose and at the end of the day, are funded by the very businesses they are regulating. Impartial? I don't think so.
  4. Hillary

    Here's an idea bid

    They wouldn't dare do that PJ because it would show the true price of what they were selling and the 'now we are selling at this price because it is stock clearance and we are prepared to take a hit' spiel would be greeted with howls of laughter
  5. Hillary

    Calling Peter Sherlock

    Did Peter Sherlock mention if he had passed on the message to the production team, asking them to invite Dr Cringle and Tommy & Kate to the studio so that we can see them?
  6. Hillary

    James is back

    I watched him this afternoon while I was baking. I've not seen him for ages because he irritates me so much. I was surprised in how he has changed for the better. Yes, he still reminds me of Justin Bieber (he has one of those faces you just want to slap) but he has stopped sidling up to the...
  7. Hillary

    Lectures from Mike

    I would have said trotters
  8. Hillary

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    [/B] How true. When my husband was taken to hospital after a large coronary a few years ago. I got back home 2 hours later and found them in the house. It was only 7am, but they'd seen the ambulance, gathered their mates and were starting to take their pick. They either were too thick, or...
  9. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    The powers that be excuse his behaviour by saying that he appeals to a 'certain' age group. As I understand it, the age group in question is my age group i.e. pensioners. Hello? WE LOATHE HIM! I would think the powers that be are not pensioners themselves because they have failed to remember...
  10. Hillary

    Christmas is coming

    Now this reminds me of a joke. Father Christmas was having a really bad day. It was the day before Christmas Eve, the elves were working to rule loading the sleigh because they wanted more money. Three of the reindeer had colds and Mother Christmas had just informed him that her mother was...
  11. Hillary

    Christmas is coming

    We're into May so they will soon start putting the tree up in the studio:confused: Are they unaware, that starting in July/August makes people like me switch off? Anyway! Which Christmas presents would you like to buy your favourite/least favourite salesperson?
  12. Hillary

    Who is the young man...

    ... on pricedrop 4pm today (April 30th)? I've not seen him before and he is like a breath of fresh air. Unspivy, clean and tidy and looks wholesome. Go on folks... do your worst, I bet you all hate him!
  13. Hillary

    Mark ryes exciting stories

    I know he's irritating and his 'personal experience' stories are so false its a wonder his nose doesn't grow. But he's not the only one and not as crude as Dirty Peter. I get the feeling, mind you I haven't seen him for some time, that he is a very lonely man
  14. Hillary

    Calling Peter Sherlock

    Oh God no! Fair play to the lad, he's always well turned out, well groomed and looks as if he has standards. i still can't abide him, but credit where it's due.
  15. Hillary

    Do you care?

    Well, I suppose it is good manners really. It's nice to feel appreciated. My own experience from working in an operating theatre before I retired, is that patients, on discharge, thank the ward staff but always forget us. Some of those neuro operations meant standing at table for blinking hours...
  16. Hillary

    Not mentioning any names

    Is there any way this review could be cut and pasted and stuck to the top of this forum?
  17. Hillary

    Calling Peter Sherlock

    I know where you are coming from earwig. I too find him insincere, irritating and smug, BUT compared to some of the others he is a star! Peter Sherlock, for example, not only looks strange since his botox, but also very scruffy and unwashed, Mike Mason is like a nasty version of Delboy and Peter...
  18. Hillary

    If you don't believe me, take this to any jeweller and...

    I think, as far as I can remember, it was over 50 quid. One of those 'AAA' grade ones. Or, what they call grade AAA. It's true what you say though. The biggers get you on all sides don't they?
  19. Hillary

    The tat awards!

  20. Hillary

    If you don't believe me, take this to any jeweller and...

    She sent it back for a few pence, it was so shoddy and light. Even with a strong letter, the jewelers valuation, and a copy of a letter to Trading Standards it didn't cost much