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  1. Hillary

    If Peter Simon bats for the other side

    :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483:Best laugh for weeks. Thanks PP.
  2. Hillary

    Impressed with James Russell tonight

    Yes indeed. He has gone from the most irritating prat on a shopping channel to a very good salesman. Credit where it's due. If a few more took the trouble to improve, the channel might well pick up.
  3. Hillary

    Didn't realise just how much Peter Simon nicks his ideas...

    Larry Grayson and others of his ilk, were genuinely funny men. They worked hard at their act and honed it to perfection. This takes talent, hard work, understanding your audience, and constantly tweaking your act to keep it fresh and topical. Dirty Peter on the other hand... well you can see for...
  4. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Larry Grayson was funny, this pillock isn't, he has no class, talent or act.
  5. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    False representation!
  6. Hillary

    Golders of London...more made-up nonsense?

    I've certainly noticed it Momma. One of his old chestnuts is 'Tommy and Kate. Top of the range designer handbags' Google them, and all you find are pages and pages of them going cheap on e bay
  7. Hillary

    Free postage

    Well, well well. Can we get 'em on this? ASA? Where's Benny, he'll know
  8. Hillary

    Free postage

    Yes me too. They have tried Dibbing, vouchers, 2 for 1 and insulted out intelligence for years telling us what a 'good buy' things are when a simple internet search turns the goods up pounds cheaper, even without the postage and phone call. They have talked down to us, patronized us and...
  9. Hillary

    Peter S. Much tidier today

    They are a waste of space, time and breath. It would be easier to put a hit-man onto me:grin:
  10. Hillary

    Andy Hodgson

    I like Adam too. Didn't he at one time share a flat/house with Steve McDonald? Chalk and cheese comes to mind
  11. Hillary

    Andy Hodgson

    He always gives me the impression that he is capable of doing something better. Most of the sales people look and behave as if they have sunk down to the lowest rung of the ladder and its a choice of either this or the cruise ships. Adam Heppinstall (? spelt it right) is another one who acts as...
  12. Hillary

    Peter S. Much tidier today

    Well, he's not wrong Merry love is he? Full of failed actors, singers, Hasbeens and neverwillbes, but it passes the time when you're ironing or doing the sprouts for tea. And now and again you get a bargain. Not so often these days I grant you, but still possible
  13. Hillary

    dongle deal of the day

    When I first heard the word 'Dongle' I thought it was a euphemism for a body part :wonder:. You can guess which one.
  14. Hillary

    Peter S. Much tidier today

    I just caught sight of Peter Sherlock. He was presenting with that frightful female with the awful voice. Caroline is it? He looks much nicer in a suit, so smart and presentable. His forehead doesn't improve does it? I really hope it wasn't one of those DIY botox things and that he had it done...
  15. Hillary

    Andy Hodgson

    He seems the most professional of the lot
  16. Hillary

    Be ashamed of yourselves

    Nail hit firmly on the head Weathergirl. If s/he is a journo, then I'm a page 3 model... Haven't been a size 12 for many, many years:grin:
  17. Hillary

    Will they keep going until Christmas?

    I think they will, but the new year will see even more rubbish being sold and possibly recorded shows. Maybe a bit like the JML channels? I think they are called infomercials.
  18. Hillary

    Be ashamed of yourselves

    As a bit of a writer myself(never be rich or famous but having a lot of fun ), this is just what I was thinking. The first thing I noticed was impartiality lacking and not terribly well researched or written. Unless investigative; journos, even baby ones, always explain their project.I don't...
  19. Hillary

    Be ashamed of yourselves

    I find the best thing to do with these immature posts is to ignore them. Don't answer them and they will get fed up and go away if we don't fuel their flames. I wonder how he/she came to find us? Could it be poor old M&M, fed up with being the lone voice coming in under a new persona? Has anyone...
  20. Hillary

    Actual bargains on price drop!

    As I said on another site, their price for Avalanche watches, on the day i googled them, could not be beaten online or on the high street even adding the exorbitant phone and p&p charges. Never thought I'd see the day, but there you go. Credit where its due