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  1. Hillary

    General ridiculousness thread

    Do you remember the spiel: 'Now if you bought that duvet cover you will have to come in early for the matching throw because we have less of these'..... Um, why not wait until they roll out another 100 with a different salesperson on different shift?
  2. Hillary

    Bid website

    I always assumed it was the containers which fell in the sea Bid bought cheap
  3. Hillary

    What presenters would you like back on bid/price drop tv ?

    I had a soft spot for Charlie Mac. It's not so much old ones back as current ones improving. Cut the 'I'm your best pal' false routine, look at Adam, he doesn't need gimmicks like that. Mike Mason used to be fun and a pleasure to watch, just cut the Del Boy overkill and he would be worth...
  4. Hillary

    General ridiculousness thread

    Is she the one with long dark hair and a husky voice like a smoker? If she is, she may well be chopsy but at least she looks as if she eats. Unusual to see a normal sized assistant/model on bid or price drop
  5. Hillary

    Has Peter Sherlock had a stroke?

    At the end of the day if he is happy with it, that's all that matters. TV always shows up any little imperfection which is invisible off screen. I doubt he was so naive as to have it done by a beautician with a 'certificate' to say they have done a botox course always very professional looking...
  6. Hillary

    Peter S creeping me out

    I think its the way it is done which is the problem with salesmen/women who do this. Some are most insincere and others seem genuinely pleased.
  7. Hillary

    Hairy ears

    No, can't say I've noticed. Will keep a look out though. I've always admired the assistants who have to model. They have to keep their nails good, skin good, feet pedicured etc etc. Some must have let themselves go since I used to regularly watch
  8. Hillary

    Has Peter Sherlock had a stroke?

    Me too PJ. I started smoking in the 1960's when I was a nurse (I kid you not!) and eventually, after many false starts, gave up in 2005. I wanted something to show for the money I saved so I saved it all up until I could afford a brand new Corsa. I had always had used ones before, bought by my...
  9. Hillary

    Bid on ebay for broken items

    'Snake Oil Pete?'
  10. Hillary

    What exactly is a fire diamond?

    Yep, you're right DD. The cut gives the diamond 'fire', but I'm a bit dubious about this 'fire diamond' Surely it has to be a real diamond? I remember one Christmas when hubby and I waited hours for a fire diamond to come on, they'd been pushing it all evening. Apparently it was so valuable it...
  11. Hillary

    What exactly is a fire diamond?

    I've heard the term 'diamond fire' used to explain a play of light in the heart of a diamond. But the only fire diamond I have heard of is a chemical to extinguish fires.
  12. Hillary

    Ms Brash

    Nail firmly on head MrT. I find it patronising, and downright dangerous (vulnerable people fall for the patter and spend money they can't afford on crap they don't want just because their 'friend' recommended it) And the way they 'explain' products as if we don't have two brain cells to make a...
  13. Hillary

    Ms Brash

    It's got to be Andy H. What the hell he is doing amongst this bunch is a complete mystery to me
  14. Hillary

    Ms Brash

    Yes, I know she comes over as a bit, well a lot really, of a slapper but I like Lisa. She gives me the impression that if she was a friend of yours she'd stick by you through thick and thin. And there's not many like that about these days. And even her worst critic will have to agree that what...
  15. Hillary

    Has Peter Sherlock had a stroke?

    Dappy Did you hear the clip radio 4 played of him as the best example of the spivyness of situps? It was toe curlingly awful and anyone who didn't have a brass neck would have been hiding under the bed after hearing themselves talking like that. It was water off a duck's back to him so I...
  16. Hillary

    Another one for ASA??

    In my case he was absolutely correct. My friends have too much good taste to wear something like that
  17. Hillary

    This weeks ASA ruling

    Some you win, some you lose
  18. Hillary

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    By 'ell Peej. Fame at last. You'll be invited on as an assistant before long
  19. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    Oh is that Rezzy? We call her Dippy Dilys She's actually admitting to being on that old psychic channel which keeps closing down:mysmilie_505:. Have you seen it, I used to love it for the laugh but some poor souls used to believe it and pay the phone call charges when they were urging people...
  20. Hillary

    General ridiculousness thread

    Looks more like a Cash and Carry to me