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  1. suzyglam

    Rod Jinks

    just a thought: Maybe Rod didnt want to make a big thing out of it... maybe he chose to leave or maybe he has been asked not to disclose. my brother was in the public eye for sometime and similar happened. Often they just have to follow contractual obligations.. oh and one more thought...
  2. suzyglam

    Rod Jinks

    i watched lynn present last nite with rae, and sumbody had text n said lynn and rod should do a double (on screen).. lynn said,,, thatd be hard cos rod doesnt work here anymore. SO yes hes gone.
  3. suzyglam

    TP in meltdown, any good?

    oh well, i had to sacrifice my bangle for my diamond ring...... sigh... having said that, with a child under 2yr and me not the most graceful, i would most likely have destroyed it or be too afraid to wear it, whereas, the diamond ring will stay put on my finger. and ive always wanted a big one...
  4. suzyglam

    ooer, did anybody catch the start of this?

    as a follow up, i rang customer service who tell me it is si and h colour..
  5. suzyglam

    ooer, did anybody catch the start of this? i just snatched this basically i just came in living room and saw the end and that there was 1 left, i rang and expected it to say all gone.. but i got it, did she mention the clarity? i only...
  6. suzyglam

    should u happen to see this item please

    let me know... and wen. :sad: or sumthing simlar in rg. its 1 i let go and regret. i have to go n watch handy manny n winnie the pooh with my boy for a bit lol...
  7. suzyglam

    What am i missing re web massive 50% clearance?

    I was thinking the exact same! but the increase isnt 50percent, The other day, i witnessed a web game auction go backwards from £51.67p to fin at £64.00 when clock had finished. that was an error too.
  8. suzyglam

    TP in meltdown, any good?

    incidentally, have u seen the TP pendant on deal of the day? LOOKS A NICE COLOUR, £59
  9. suzyglam

    TP in meltdown, any good?

    thankyou, i know u know about tp, so thanks its kept... have sacraficed another item but methinks i wouldnt have kept that and nothing special.....(wipes perspiring forehead)
  10. suzyglam

    TP in meltdown, any good?

    hmmm i see what u mean, i have pondered TP for ages, i guess its the goldweight that sort of swayed me, seemd more value for money, it looked nice on air but i cant remeber prices of them normally. see, if this is about the usual price id prob discard it and buy at later date... but what i dont...
  11. suzyglam

    TP in meltdown, any good?

    hi, i have this in my order from today on tv £94 in meltdown, I thought i would compare it to the gems web usual prices but typically cant find any to compare with,, cant recall for life of me what the bangles cost usually.. and cant remember what size of TP or goldweight was in them i have...
  12. suzyglam

    Must made my first purchase....

    hi, it was already in price meltdown just today i got it.
  13. suzyglam

    Must made my first purchase....

    btw tp bracelt £94. any idea of if thats good#? i cant find any to compare on web now.
  14. suzyglam

    Must made my first purchase....

    if its for you then its always exciting, ive got the tp bracelet, but for life of my cant remeber what noramlly they go for, though this has a good gold weight
  15. suzyglam

    What am i missing re web massive 50% clearance?

    thats a bit off........ do u get discount after u add to basket? or basically there isnt any?
  16. suzyglam

    Must made my first purchase....

    and that was...........? im in turmoil here.
  17. suzyglam

    What am i missing re web massive 50% clearance?

    ... all i can think is that is refers to the fact that clearance items are in general 50% of normal price? (when they arent a clearance item) but ive not had an email.. i actually noticed prices had gone up, eg: the massive PT on their was 4 thousand odd early yest, n now is 5k odd. !
  18. suzyglam

    Farts!! Are you there?

    previous to that though, i got this which looked amazing on screen, not even a gem id ever consider the pic does it no justice to what i saw on telly box.. nite x
  19. suzyglam

    Farts!! Are you there?

    2hours. bought 1 item. which is for a gift and was the silver charm bracelet. oh well...
  20. suzyglam

    Farts!! Are you there?

    u surely would have a damp squib after all of these 'farts' wat are/is farts?? (aside from the obvious)