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  1. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Tan Extender

    i use the Zhuzh tan lock & saver, which i'm pleased with & will re-order when i run out (it lasts for ages). i presume it helps prolong your tan as it's so moisturing, think it's got shea butter in it. the one on QVC, & others, with a 'hint' of self tan - that's really just a bit of a cheat...
  2. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    To Ideal World....

    hand on heart, promise! i don't buy regularly, probably 2-3 times a year at most, but i've NEVER had any problems...which seems the exception to other peoples experiences. as already said, i think it really depends on what you've ordered. they do seem to be getting worse of late though. from...
  3. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Golden shower?

    ROFL! very funny, thanks for that! :D
  4. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    I ordered Emjoi Total Concept Epilator - I HAVE INGROWING HAIRS ON MY LEGS!

    i've been using a Braun epilator for about 3 years now & love the results. exfoliate is your new mantra! do it regularly & any in-growing blighters should be gone shortly.
  5. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Itsacr@p with Moira C

    thanks girls, an excellent thread that's made me snort with laughter!! :D :D
  6. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Whats the best items you have bought from TJC.

    my iliana w/g 0.75 ct princess cut diamond eternity ring, worn it every day & it sparkles like stars! not too bad at £349.
  7. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    The only person in the world who doesn't like LG cosmetics?

    doesn't suit me either, i ordered a previous TSV & no matter what i did, ended up looking like a halloween reject! i do love her eye/lip primer & spackle though.
  8. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    hmmm, that feels like a bit of a cop out to me. if you come on here in the 'open' apologising, promising this & that - then you can't just brush over the questions you now don't want to answer...
  9. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    What the ******

    after all these years i can't believe they still package/address items like this, they must have so many go missing. hope you get it sorted.
  10. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Ideal World Bloopers...

    welcome! thanks for the clips, i'm always up for a giggle :D
  11. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Panasonic HD Camcorder TSV

    i can't comment on the TSV as i haven't seen it yet, but it might be worth checking if there are any reviews on Amazon or to help you decide.
  12. ~*~Lexxy~*~


    this feels like very dodgy ground to me! ok, if they withdraw it as the price is going too low but to actually imply sold when it isn't, very naughty. clearly trying to give the item an implied value to me. if you've got an approx. time when this happened, i'd report it to the ASA - if you...
  13. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Can Anyone Help Please?

    you can pick them up on ebay too, either individuals selling them or from the stylee outlet. have a look for african butterfly comb or clip too on ebay, they're just like stylee but beaded. i love mine, about the only things that can cope with my thick & long hair :D
  14. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Kevins back

    on one hand, it's good he's back as he did really seem to be able to get 'stuff' done. on the other, what happened? he 'left' under such a cloud & TJC completely dis-associating themselves from him & his promises of goods/cash/backing for the charity event. how is he back now? i'm sure we'll...
  15. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Greased lightning win a car comp - has it been fixed?

    ah, thanks for that - nice to know i've not completely lost my marbles, yet! :D
  16. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Oh joy - oh bliss!

    :52: what, if you squint & hold one hand over your eyes? :20: i couldn't believe what i saw late on last night on GTV2 i think it was, Rod flogging a rather lovely little lime green crochet bag!! whatever next?! :9:
  17. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Greased lightning win a car comp - has it been fixed?

    i do vaguely remember seeing something from greased lightening on IW within the past couple of weeks - sorry, i don't remember any more info, i didn't stick around long enough when i was flicking thru'...
  18. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    oh my, i'm just soooooooo darn cynical! a new poster with their only 2 posts about a certain company/offer - if you're so happy with what you're getting, why would you even do a search & find this forum/threads?? IF you are connected to them, just flippin' say so! edit: to add, (sorry if...
  19. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Miche Bag

    i knew i'd forgotten something on the weekly shop this week - SPAM! :D
  20. ~*~Lexxy~*~

    Why do i bother with this channel?

    glad to hear you're getting somewhere, but, didn't KV leave TJC under a bit of a cloud after the charity doo that 'wasn't'???