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  1. B

    Andy Hodgson Fire Blanket scare tactics are back.

    Having seen that particular presentation both live and pre-recorded, I can safely say that it's not as bad as you're making out. He does use that statistic, but he only uses it to say how serious fires can be. It's you making the connection that fire blankets could have saved those people - he...
  2. B

    somebody loves you
  3. B memorabilia

    I'd like to point out the person who created the original image that Steve Austin is basing his images on - none other than TV Forum member and Shopping Telly member Bilky Asko. Please ask your source's permission before using an image, or at the very least give some credit.
  4. B

    What will be bid shopping's next trick?

    You say that, but they helped close down Auction World.TV. The more people complain, the higher the chance they'll be more severely reprimanded.
  5. B

    3 more complaints upheld

    The first link was Mark Ryes. Don't forget that the ASA, unlike Ofcom, doesn't have the power to fine, but they can refer cases to Ofcom if they believe it warrants it - the route they took with Auction World.TV