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  1. Greenie

    Over 2000 products with up to 50% off

    Do you think they've realised that ghastly compacts, tacky trinket boxes, rusty fairies and ballet dancer ring stands are NOT the way forward? It's a gems channel for goodness sake - we want to see JEWELLERY!
  2. Greenie

    Christmas Day in August

    I've ordered a zultanite pendant and two rings - one of which is the Andesine ring I had all that fuss about, with them saying they couldn't reduce the price (£130) but could get it reset for me. In the end I sent it back but the other day saw it had appeared on the clearance at £82 (+ with a...
  3. Greenie

    Christmas Day in August

    I bought 2 items from the clearance yesterday plus another item, and placed the order totalling £800. I don't suppose I'll get my free jewellery box?? I should've waited til today!
  4. Greenie

    Under £50 Clearance

    I noticed this too in the clearance the other day. Things which were advertised in the clearance pages as last chance to buy with supposedly mega discounts were actually more expensive than they had been in the regular web games.
  5. Greenie

    Payday weekend or similar?

    Once the Mega Clearance has finally/eventually finished, what do you think are the chances of GemsTV having another PayDay weekend or similar discount offer soon? Are they a fairly regular event? The reason I ask is that I've got my eye on two items but they are both over £600 each. I would...
  6. Greenie

    would you keep it?

    If you can't get a replacement, I would send it back. You'll always be thinking of the chipped stone whenever you wear it (if you wear it!) and wonder if your £99 could have been better spent on something else.
  7. Greenie

    Fab parcel!!

    Congrats on getting a great parcel! Like you, my last few orders haven't been very good so it's really heartening when you receive loads of nice stuff. I take it they're all keepers? Wishing your credit card a speedy recovery :giggle:
  8. Greenie

    Decisions decisions

    I prefer the ring but is it to her taste? At 15, I would have personally thought it a bit "old fashioned" and would have wanted something a bit more modern and blingy! I love colour change garnet but when it's set on a pendant (or earrings for that matter) you can't see the beauty of it's...
  9. Greenie

    Something strange has happened

    That's exactly what I did - washing up liquid, warm water, toothbrush, rinse under the tap, put on kitchen roll to absorb moisture then buffed with a microfibre cloth. The only difference was that I put mine back in their boxes rather than in a jewellery roll. I did the other pieces at the same...
  10. Greenie

    Yesterday's delivery

    That rubellite ring is absolutely gorgeous! What a shame it was chipped. What bad luck too to find the replacement was also chipped.
  11. Greenie

    Something strange has happened

    I was having a sort out today of my Gems rings and getting rid of those I don't wear much. I opened the box of a 9ct white gold green amethyst ring to find to my dismay that it's gone all cloudy :eek:. I bought it in April this year and haven't worn it for a while. Cleaned all my jewellery...
  12. Greenie

    OMG Shocking News

    Very sad. A tragic loss.
  13. Greenie

    Today's delivery - opinions please

    Sorry Tequila - and it doesn't look like I'll be sending it back either x
  14. Greenie

    Today's delivery - opinions please

    Thanks all for your opinions - keep 'em coming though! You seem to be thinking along the same lines as me. I prefer the 1st andesine ring as it is more red than the round one. After reading Meeshoo's post, yes it is showing areas of black extinction but not that much, and to me it doesn't...
  15. Greenie

    Today's delivery - opinions please

    Hi, received my delivery today with 6 items in it. Those of you who remember my previous post re. the andesine ring which was crooked, well I sent that back today. In today's delivery there were 2 andesine rings so I've now got to decide which one to keep. And that's where you come in...
  16. Greenie

    Back to reality

    Hi Argey, I saw some green amethyst earrings in a very similar design (possibly matching that pendant?) on air the other week, but they looked very very pale, almost colourless, to me.
  17. Greenie

    Oh, poo!

    Put it this way, ok they went cheaper but this was probably the last remaining stock and could be ones which people returned as they weren't up to scratch. You paid more for yours but you might well have got better quality. It is annoying when you see something go cheaper than what you paid...
  18. Greenie

    Meet Captain Jack Sparrow et al.

    The pink diamond ring is gorgeous and the TP pendant is lovely. 'Fraid the others are not my cup of tea though. Sorry x :sad:
  19. Greenie

    Esteemed Blingsters - do you have these?

    They are both nice. The first one has got a good review too from another satisfied customer. I like the design of the other one, but I think you should go on your gut instincts - if you're expecting the white diamonds to be pants (and it seems so do others) then they probably will be. If...
  20. Greenie

    Presenters Redundant following Live Channel Closure

    Sorry to be dim here folks, but what does IP stand for?