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  1. J

    ID Protection Stamps

    We paid £3.00 for ours a couple of years ago. It is great for little things when its not worth going upstairs to the study where the shredder is. My husband also burns documents I prefer the shredder. They aren't just exexs, ours is squiggles and shapes and impossible to read through even from...
  2. J

    Peter Simon will he be next to leave....

    I know I shouldn't laugh but hubby and I did and thank you Mr Rossi for starting our day with a laugh
  3. J

    Peter Simon will he be next to leave....

    Indeed. I switched over to the shoppers last evening and had to flip back, It was like watching a corpse walking. I didn't think he was going to make it to the end of the show. His voice is so weak and fragile. Where on earth are the producers/domain owners? He still thinks he can get away with...
  4. J

    Peter Simon will he be next to leave....

    Yes, the weight loss is getting more advanced isn't it? He looks grey and gaunt. Worrying and upsetting to see him now. He's not a presenter I like, but I don't like to see anyone fading away so publically
  5. J

    24 carat gold watches at rock bottom prices

    they are knocking out 24 carat gold plated watches at super low prices. In very small letters, they admit that these watches are gold plated. So... with a normal bit of wear and tear, the plating will rub off and you will be left with 24 carat cheap ol' base metal As a matter of interest, do...
  6. J

    TV and Radio Dongle

    What an idiot. Normally, if a presenter annoys, you can find something to laugh at but this awful pillock just annoys fullstop. he isn't clever, he isn't funny and he certainly isn't very knowledgable about anything he sells. Apart from working on a cruise ship or a car park attendant, I can't...
  7. J

    I shall be glad when

    That ****** mine runs out of tanzanite. I'm killing time before we set off for a few days away. Nothing on the radio, thought I'd watch a bit of price drop and bid. What do I find? Scraggy looking plants on the one and tanzanite chips in a ring on the other.:angry:
  8. J

    It's a woman's perfume

    Well, at least she said woman and not lady so maybe she knew what she was talking about
  9. J

    Cards: A spot of advice please

    Thank you all again for your advice. I've joined the crafting forum, and also got some good 'how to do it' DVD's from Creat and Craft. Its not so daunting when people steer you in the right direction... Ummm.. Nobody warned me how quickly you get hooked! Its a great hobby
  10. J

    Steve McDonald

    Could somebody please teach this annoying spiv to say the word POUND properly. It is not pronounced PARNED. I thought he came from the north, not the Mile End Road. All he needs is a suitcase, a flat cap and that strange looking wife of his as a lookout... Lovely Jubbly.
  11. J

    Quality products????

    I was saying exactly the same thing to my husband this morning. I was using a handbag I had from bid over 3 years ago. It would knock spots off the crap they are selling now. Like you, I have some Sanderson bedding. Good quality, wears well and was a reasonable price
  12. J


    She could always thumb it
  13. J

    Peter Simon weight loss

    He looks dreadfully poorly doesn't he? He says the weight loss is a side affect of tablets he is on. Maybe, maybe. I know I'm out of date, but I can't remember any of our patients losing that much.
  14. J

    Peter Simon on good form tonight

    NO WAY! My twin brother and I are the same age as him (born in 1948) and neither of us remember it that cheap. And I can assure you, that if it was we would have found it when we were students
  15. J

    Private Message I received today

    Is he new Steve? Sounds like he should be on Digital Spy; he;d fit right in there
  16. J

    Peter Sherlock has lost his locks!!!

    And shake, twitch and sniff a bit
  17. J

    Presenters referring to THIS forum

    Me too Gray. I don't want to know about my dustman's private life. Presenters on TV are no different. I don't think I could talk nonstop for several hours, although I'm sure my husband would disagree, but they do it day in day out and my goodness do they have some rubbish to shift. A while ago...
  18. J

    Presenters referring to THIS forum

    I thought Mark Ryes was getting a bit better these days (Julia dons tin hat and dives under the table) He used to make my skin crawl, but he seems to have mellowed. I don't belong to Twitter and I don't watch the Shoppers all evening so maybe I am missing something
  19. J

    James Gardener leaving!

    I also forgot to say(!) when my husband said Paul Becque was leaving, I asked which one he was. Hubby, normally a quiet man screamed out 'Wayhey hey!' and did a perfect immitation of him. He has a way with words, described a woman who lived in our village and saw fairies everywhere as 'That...
  20. J

    James Gardener leaving!

    I was going to say, 'What on earth has America done to deserve him being dumped on them.' Then I remembered George Dubya Bush. 'Nough said