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  1. L

    my love affair with qvc is over.....

    Have just been reading this very personal, emotional thread. I want to ask as I am ignorant to abbreviations DH and DD what are these? Also what is "the letter"? On another note. I have bought jewellery on and off for the past 12 years or so. I have recently given a lot of the older stuff away...
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    Sad franks

    Hi Star234, Just to let you know I'm not that bad really, just having a bad day and picked a fight with my words. I really have very little opinion on QVC presenters, in fact I thought Jill looked quite good as a sixties chick with the hair pieces. What I am saying is she needs more meat on...
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    :mysmilie_81:Sorry what I meant to say was that rich people who don't care what they buy (not all rich people) might not mind paying the price for such bad quality items just because they can but most of us are quite discerning with our money. I did not mean to offend rich people per se just...
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    Stacey's YBF has gone and where's Suzi B?

    Not that I like her stuff, but where's Suzi B these days? And Roz haven't seen her even though it is the Chinese New Year. Are they so rich off the back of us they don't need QVC anymore or have people cottoned onto the fact that their stuff is not all it's cracked up to be? Who else have we...
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    Was watching this show and heard Jill Franks say, they're not tinny, funny how did she know what was going through my mind, I obviously underestimated her abilities thinking that she was a sycophant not a psychic! This jewellery range looks really carp,..... no tacky carp. The fact that the one...
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    I have got a little place in Spain!

    That's why they only charge the Earth for a few of their products now rather than most of them. I think that some of the presenters need a reality check, but we as consumers buy into the hype so we are just as bad. I used to buy anything and everything at one time but am now incredibly selective...
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    Sad franks

    After reading the threads and Jill Franks blog I have to say I think she loves to feel important, only an egotistical person would suggest that they had done so much, you never hear Angelina bragging about how many children she's saved, she might brag about how many men she's bagged and s**gged...
  8. L

    Sara's Baby Boy - Name ?

    Wonder if she or he will shorten it to Cas later in life, or maybe she's given him a middle name and he'll use that. Perhaps he'll like the unusualness of it, I can't imagine there'll be too many at school called Caspar unless Sara starts the Kylie syndrome.
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    I have got a little place in Spain!

    What I was saying about bragging is that I watched the clip of Julia discussing her place in Spain and I don't think she bragged either anymore than you are insisting you haven't so when I compare you to her I'm only saying you are saying it in the same tone she is and people are insinuating she...
  10. L

    I have got a little place in Spain!

    I have to say this is the most surreal thread ever. It started off where everyone was having a go about Julia and her Holiday home in Spain and has gotten to the point where other people are doing exactly what she's been accused of ie bragging about their own H homes in Spain but doing it by way...
  11. L

    just had phone call from QVC

    Not received the phone call yet or a letter. I hope I don't. Maybe they're doing this so that they can brag later once they've let people back on their ordering list how many "new customers" they have got. The fact is that they should really look at why these items are being returned and if the...
  12. L

    100 Things I Have learned from QVC..

    I've learnt: 1) That I'm not the only mug who buys jewellery in bulk 2) That the best way to buy from QVC is not easypay but clearance especially last clicks 3) Never to trust someone who lies about their size 4) To get on TV you need to be a brash fisherwife who will do anything for money 5)...
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    What does she look like ?

    I am just waiting for Pipa to dye her hair the same colour as nature intended, then rave about it until someone points out to her that she's gone back to her natural colour. Can't honestly imagine long hair would be a good look for her long face though. :mysmilie_698:
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    Anne Dawson

    I didn't thnk Pipa was so old and I certainly didn't think Jilly was, apart from the fact that they both have fairly young children (and I know people have them later these days) I didn't think they'd left it so long. What did Jilly do before she worked for QVC? I know Pipa was a "singer" and...
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    Anne Dawson

    I heard Pipa say that she was 29 not longer than two years ago so that'd put her in her early thirties. Just a hunch but I think that's why Julia is so happy to state her age. Compared to the others she looks positively youthful. I'd like to know how old baby Claire Sutton is or Chuntley and of...
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    Where's Julia?

    But would the lovely Jules let them get their hands on Simon's goodies if she could avoid it? (Read as you will). I do think she probably needed a holiday as she hadn't gone on endlessly last year about where she was going/had been, maybe she saved up her holiday for a big Jaunt much like the...
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    Hello Everyone

    Hi there Bea Frugal, Maria and rosiekelly1. Hope you enjoy your time on the forum. Liz
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    Ralph's little helper

    Thanks for all the help in filling me in on Ralph's details, usually I tape the shows and fast forward through them because I get fed up with the presenter's same old lines. :mysmilie_73: As for Honora I love some of the things they sell. I had a pearl ring and earring set given to me by the...
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    Sara Griffiths...

    Many congrats Sara.
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    Anne Dawson

    I'm suprised, no stunned that she's only 50 this year. I am 45 this year and I don't think I look near her in age. That could also be because I'm fat and so all my wrinles have been pulled to the extreme, :mysmilie_17: but she looks older. I am actually quite shocked at the presenters ages, I...