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    Alison Keenan has breast cancer

    Much love and best wishes to Ali K, and to all who have had this awful disease. xx
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    Hi everyone

    Welcome Wildrose. This forum is my guilty pleasure! xx
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    mischa silver jewellery

    I thought the ring looked great but NO WAY can I justify that price! Roll on last clicks. I've noticed quite a bit of Mischa's stuff in there. xx
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    Alison Young At It Again!

    Bet they're wishing they hadn't called the upcoming event the 'Beauty Bash' now......
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    Jilly Halliday

    Agree with everything said pretty much - don't mind Jilly but autopilot is indeed the apt description of her M.O. Also she is guilty of that 'jump to the phone' phrase which is seriously cliched and out of date! I wonder whether she has anxieties/ mild phobias about both getting her ears pierced...
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    New Jewellery lines

    I'm watching the stainless steel 'eternal' collection this evening with Charlie doing his best to convince me it looks just like platinum....wonder what anyone else is thinking? I'm quite taken with a few pieces, but think they would be better marketed as casual, informal accessories, rather...
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    Quacker/Lola Rose

    Don't forget to add lashings of Mally make up and spray liberally with several Tova parfums for that extra level of nuanced subtlety...
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    Quacker/Lola Rose

    Oh dear yes it does sound an unlikely pairing. Still at least she wasn't telling us to team up Quacker with e.g. Tacori ...I can almost feel a 'most bizarre product pairings' thread coming on... xx
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    Craig and his juicer

    I got the Jack Lalane juicer last year (bit less sleek looking but £20 cheaper) and I do agree it's expensive and fiddly to juice fruits (and makes drinks too high in fruit sugar to be inarguably 'good' for you). However it's really good for doing vegetable juice - carrot, celery and 1 apple for...
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    Ah, poor Charlie

    ....Ah, Charlie. What a day he's having. Up til 2 am flogging stainless steel trinkets, phoned by (*adopts deep gruff voice*) 'Meryl' who has 120 'Charlie' (ahem!)bears..:whew: ...and now here he is, trying to persuade me that Kim n Co outlet uber-stretchy monstrosities are 'so so pretty'...
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    QVC - New Year, New You

    Fabulous post!! Perhaps we may look forward one day to various other presenters, guests and models seeking literal actual advice for them, from the splendid Resident Beauty Expert..... xx
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    A Holiday Game: "New Year, New Q"

    Brilliant idea ;) The Boot: Dale. I remain rather partial to him, but I'm watching Epiphany silver and he's being so smooooth, and omitting to provide ANY details like measurements of bracelets and necklaces, width of any rings that I give up! Anne Dawson: I'm sorry, she just doesn't...
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    Dull Diamonds

    I'm watching the 'Diamond Spectacular' in the hope it would alleviate my pre Christmas Exhaustion and am finding it SO dull. Hardly any new designs and the ones they're flogging don't look that good to me. It's strange how presenters stress the 'D' quality (ie best possible blue-white diamond...
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    QVC in the Daily Mail

    Article here They've used mostly US examples but our Lulu features too. Well I never! I wonder who the 'perfectly coiffeured blonde' is... Attica x
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    Last Clicks - Silver Diamonique

    Thanks for this - I was watching Last Clicks like a hawk for a while, then gave up, and the l.c. jewellery sections are suddenly overflowing! Wonder if you went for the purple vintage eek ring. Am quite tempted... Attica x
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    QVC No Quibble Money Back Guarantee .... as long as you don't send too much back

    Do people think this is happening more often - the phone call, the letter, the account closing - a result of hard financial times? I haven't had a major reprimand yet, I did get called and questioned as to why I had returned a particular item earlier this year, when in previous years I'd...
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    Favourite Presenter

    Hmmm...when I first developed my QVC habit my favourites were definitely Julia and Dale. I thought they were both good humoured and professional too. Now however I'm quite stumped by this question! Really I think there needs to be some new blood. Shake up the somewhat insincere default settings...
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    'For you'

    he he fabulous thread! Some phrases seem to spread like a rash don't they! While others are presenter particular, re AK's 'to my mind' and 'mighty'... my bugbear is the number of SO SO PRETTY items currently being aired. I'm overwhelmed by so-so prettiness! Attica x
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    Jill Franks just "loves" everything

    Oh dear...She's loving Kenneth Jay Lane rings even as I type. I feel a drinking game could be devised around this JF cliche, but we'd all get tipsy pretty quickly!! Attica x
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    Hagit Gorali

    What did anyone think of Hagit Gorali and her jewellery, if you caught any of it yesterday? Initially I thought, oh more fancy silver thingys with pearls and the usual low cost gems, but I did like one or two of the sculptural pieces, though didn't buy. AK seemed to be geniunely taken with the...