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  1. L

    Rising auctions?

    ok, now I am bemused........ I bid on an item and it said bid accepted - the auction closed and my bid was the highest and closing price but its showing in my rising auction bid history as auction not won...... how come then???
  2. L

    Rising auctions?

    oooooo no BB i didnt know that - I assumed it was same as the usual check out by 3am thing or loose it from your basket rule - thanks for that I will bear that in pleased am I that I came on here to ask my random questions!:mysmilie_378: I saw another one coming up in a while BB and...
  3. L

    Rising auctions?

    thanks both for the helpful words....... BB its the one with the biwa pearls on. I am still struggling to follow how often they are supposed to finish - they seem to speed up all of a sudden. I can see some of your treasures coming up BB - must say your pics are much better!
  4. L

    More bling!!

    emerald - by way of encouragement - my order placed 27th dec was here before New Years Eve! One I place Xmas Eve arrived Tuesday this week - so with Santa out of the way on the delivery highway, other trucks can now get through...................snow allowing of course
  5. L

    More bling!!

    wow! well done you then! some bargains to be had on that system thats for sure..........
  6. L

    More bling!!

    wowzers what a stash BB - some really pretty things there - all from tjc? were they tv auctions or the other falling or rising ones?? I love the pearl necklaces and also the dangly MOP flower - and the green square pendant to the left..... in fact loads of it is lovely - Which is your fave...
  7. L

    Rising auctions?

    thanks BB - it was a long string of pearls for 5 - bargain seeing as I will pull it apart I think - I am bemused though - this afternoon as I was watching it the auctions were finishing every 5 mins all day and now suddenly they seem to be one every half hour - is it always so random?? another...
  8. L

    Rising auctions?

    help!!!! please - I just gave it whirl - I bid on the item and was the only bidder ......... auction ended with my bid - so where does it go next??? I cant see it in my basket???
  9. L

    Sarah B kindly emailed me twice re the New Website!

    very quick example here - just watching kama charms SALE hour - a blue topaz charm sold at 15.00 - I had it in my basket before sale started at 10.00 - clearly not a price reduction unless my maths has gone haywire.
  10. L

    Sarah B kindly emailed me twice re the New Website!

    Reading all the comments, there are many I agree with..... one however is still perplexing me and can I bore you all again with it.............the concept of Sale or Clearance. I would have thought, we would have expected perhaps to see prices lower than previously paid - so maybe price promise...
  11. L

    Rocks is Dead, Long Live Gems?

    this is like deja vu - think back to this time last year - rocks loyal and long standing customers were treated like mushrooms whilst they switched to sky. Now once again there is a cavalier atitude to us. I have hung around too long...... I have been watching tjc of late and seen some fab...
  12. L

    Delivery Problems...

    thats great news on a speedy delivey - I ordered my present 2 days before xmas and was feeling a little bit disappointed looking at the stories of 3 week delivery turnaround. I now have hope I will see my lovely bracelet very soon then........:mysmilie_378:
  13. L

    I've got the hump :(

    Good grief how disappointing - I have hovered over the buy button on that necklace and the matching bracelet - but agree the price was expensive for coated q. Woeful Quality control. I shall zip up my purse again I wouldnt trust it not to fall apart. Shame its sparkly sparkly - but then maybe...
  14. L

    Christmas Delivery!

    wow! I love the shell pearl set ...... can you tell me the item code please, so I can copy you! Its such a nice colour combo. Have you thought about offering your services as rocks/gems photographer - your pics are better than most of theirs - we can actually see the stones!!!!!
  15. L

    dare we ask.............

    you know, there i was thinking it was me.................. i have seen 2 items i just bought ...........10 days ago and guess what, they went for the same price i got them..... sales price? same as I got them pre sale........that reminds me i got dpd text and those very same items were due to...
  16. L

    dare we ask.............

    The BIG January Sale..................... is it going to be like the Clearance - started this morning and i dont recall seeing a bargain that makes it worth queueing up at the door over night for - in the same fashion that we might all camp outside Harrods for their sale. Anyone spotted an...
  17. L

    Buy now prices compared to auction prices

    Oh dear GA - infuriating isnt it? I was really hoping it it would go ok and the system would be proven to work - so many of us doubters have observed before that it isnt the best system there is......unfortunately you have come a cropper too - maybe someone from CR/GTV/Rocks will take on board...
  18. L

    tookalon or artisan crafted???

    I can name at least two websites where it's available which, if you want just send me a quick PM and I'll let you have their addies. xxxxxxxxxx thanks argy that would be great BUT :sweat: I am afrid to say I dont know how to PM on here!! can you tell please???? thanks
  19. L

    tookalon or artisan crafted???

    Is it me or are the Tookalon range and TJCs artisan crafted ranges looking remarkably similar these days .....anyone know which was the cart and which was the horse? I have some tookalon and love it - anyone know or able to comment on the artisan range. Not sure whether this should be on tjc...
  20. L

    Buy now prices compared to auction prices

    Oh! Good luck then - fingers crossed for you. If you miss out though, try customer services they may be able to help you out if there is stock left and will usually give you it at the price it went to - especially if you requested it and the alloted time wasnt helpful!!!!! Do tell whether you...