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  1. L

    Price Promise - It Doesn't Apply To Clearance Auctions

    presume this must have changed recently then - remember the kama charm clearance/sale a few weeks ago? with adele? both she and sheridan (sure that was the producer who came on - if not her then another producer) announced that there would be price promises on most items...and that was a...
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    maybe they need to combine karis and elanza - the stones from one with the metal from the other - then throw the fake tat at the christmas cracker makers where they belong...............
  3. L

    Victoria please ....

    flipping on and off the channel tonight and - heck - too much slap and bright red lips - the gems are the star here - supposedly....please lets remember that
  4. L

    who's the presenter?

    No! for about 20 minutes from 4pm they had some other woman on -never seen her before
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    looming at me

    phew! I did wonder if I was seeing things!!!
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    who's the presenter?

    currently on Extra?
  7. L

    looming at me

    is it my imagination or has the camera crept closer to the presenter? I have watched abit of extra this morning .... and suddenly face shots of the presenters seem very big - as if their nose is almost pressed on the camera lens. Matt and Ruth were filling my little pc screen totally! On...
  8. L

    has sense prevailed???

    or have tjc been whopped where it hurts the most .... in the sales? I see P&P is max 4.95 per day - thank goodness for that now all we need is them to stop selling curtain rings with gem stones stuck on them and get back on track and supply things worth actually a matter of...
  9. L

    Latest dodgy sounding claim (IMHO)

    hmmm when they did away with the REAL falling auction format they lost the right to make this claim ....with any degree of honesty at any rate!!!
  10. L

    pressure sales

    is there anywhere we can see what was discussed at the meet the customer day and what assurances were given ??? I would love to see
  11. L

    colour change andesine

    just wondering ....why would Gems tv sell over 1 carat of this in a solitaire for 54.00 when it apparently commands over 1,000 dollars a carat. Surely we arent comparing like with like? Or do we take with a pinch of sat these wild price comparisons?
  12. L


    Totally agree with all of this Sahara - these are my thoughts exactly. I notice the rising auctions, hardly any are selling now...........used to be a bun fight to be able to get one. P&P and money back g'tee is likely to have wiped this out too. Get a grip TJC and PDQ
  13. L

    credit where its due...

    Ali Defoy is currently on - how nice does she look! No lady lumps hanging out, shes got a really nice outfit on - we are perfectly able to see the jewellery she's showing us - the clothes dont get in the way of necklaces - so nice to see and looks so much better! Hooray for Ali! :mysmilie_378:
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    oh! didnt know p&p had changed - that rules me out buying then - one p&p all day and I consider buying - p&p per item and its no chance!
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    request shows

    anyone know how one gets a request on?
  16. L

    TJC 10 day guarantee

    is it me or do the two clauses contradict each other??? and which one is the prevailing clause?
  17. L

    No! No! No!

    its ok to move on and evolve - but for those of us who have existing sets in silver - these new ones just dont gel and they need to cater for us too .....or is it again that the old, longstanding customers count for nothing? as to plating - the whole concept just makes me wary, it surely comes off
  18. L

    No! No! No!

    grumpy pants are well and truly pulled up.................... I have just sat through 2 hours of kama charms in search of additions to bracelets............................................. what a waste of time. Most of them are gold plated................ in my view gold and silver dont mix...
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    Please stop

    what is that in the left hand picture by the way ...looks like something out of alien
  20. L

    Please stop

    omg! what the devil are those??????? didnt gems tv foray into the bizarre and ornamental (note the hidden word) before their demise? Quick TJC ditch the dross and do what it says can please