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  1. L


    Evening ! please can somebody help me here - what is the warranty period on goods from tjc - I have donned my glasses and read the t&c and I cant spot anything beyond the 30 day return if you change your mind....maybe i need binoculars not glasses - any help would be appreciated
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    rising auctions

    ok, bemused now - how the devil do these work these days?......... loads and loads of items all ending at the same time - all been showing ending in 2 hours for the last hour or so. And someone hasnt got the hang...they have bid more than the usual retail price??
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    Have we lost a few presenter?

    I havent seen some of the oldie but goodie presenters of late ...... are they still part of the team....thinking Angeline, Nick,Vicky?
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    One item only in baskets - coming your way

    as an additional comment - as us dastardly webbers are the offenders.....would it be polite to inform us via email before making such a fundamental change to the way we are able to buy ............................again, unless we dont matter any more which seems to be the reality of the...
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    One item only in baskets - coming your way

    oh well ! this would be the kiss of death to me buying - i echo the comments of many - i like to maximise my p&p, so put things in my basket and build up a truck full.......i havent heard anything at all about the one item basket total stupidity - but then I "watch" on my pc with no volume as i...
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    Nefertari range

    totally loving the designs in this range - hoping they may make it more accessible to all of us ........all of the pieces are gold and very expensive. I appreciate they might be trying to make it a top of the range feature - but the style, designs and overall look are really appealing and I'm...
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    blood out of a stone....

    maybe its me, maybe they see the email address and think - heres she comes again and choose to ignore - hopefully not though. Trying to get answers to simple questions - I email CS, get an auto reply - thank you for your email blah blah...then i wait and wait and wait. No one ever seems to...
  8. L

    A wee pat on the back to customer services from a sheep returning to the fold!!

    good to hear some positive news's hoping its a start back to the service and quality we all used to love
  9. L

    Gems still changing item numbers!

    i came across this quite a few times myself
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    selling more items than they have

    good grief not this old chesnut again....... over the past few years we have had this for various reasons ....... robbery in the vault, changeover of systems, takeover of gems by Rocks, move from web only company to web & tv. I have had this happen to me so many times over the few years I have...
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    glory be at that lighting!

    what the devil has happened to the lighting on xtra tonight - adele is reflecting the light its so harsh
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    who is the presenter?

    ahhhh thank you Graham - that explains it .......I felt sure it wasnt Steve Bennett as the screen said. Thank goodness someone else saw her, I was beginning to think I was delusional ...again
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    who is the presenter?

    def wasnt Ruth - it was someone new, I've not seen her before ......but the tag at the top declared it to be steve bennett presenting
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    who is the presenter?

    who is this lady presenter with long blonde hair and glasses??? it says Steve Bennett presenting but I will eat hay with the horse if thats steve
  15. L

    Have TJC got technical problems?

    perhaps grab the vino may all look ok then????????? :drunk:
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    Price Promise - It Doesn't Apply To Clearance Auctions

    I see that Meeshoo, none of us would, unless of course John Lewis (other shops available) made a huge sales pitch and all danced around shouting it from the roof then I would expect them to honour that pledge. Deciding what actually constitutes a "sale" on Gemstv these days is tricky even for...
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    Sarah & Steve Bennett

    what an interesting thread ............ picking up on a few points - and before start - I declare my hand as a previous supporter of rocks tv but sadly disillusioned one these days......... a moaner perhaps??? The number of returning customers - equalled perhaps by the number who now rarely...
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    off air

    wow thats a long power issue! hope they get it sorted pdq - must be very frustrating for everyone! And there was me abusing my laptop and IP!!!!
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    nick davies

    totally agree PJ!!!
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    nick davies

    tuned in for 5 minues peek - is it just me or does Nick look at tad ridiculous with the tin-tin look? The hair do is perhaps a bit on the young side for him ....maybe I am just an old fogey