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  1. Tasi

    So how rare is Tanzanite i decided to investigate lol

    I don't know if this is true or not, but a lady at my keep fit class is married to a jeweller. He asked her to send for a AA tanzanite ring because he couldn't believe what the situps were saying. Now, and this may have been a one off mistake on situps part, but when the ring came it was...
  2. Tasi

    When Peter Simon was young, sexy and a teen pin-up

    Peter Simon is the same age as my husband. They were both born in 1948, which makes my husband 64 in this coming May
  3. Tasi

    Lisa Brash returns permanently

    Maybe she's turned over a new leaf and got a bit of self respect and a feeling of self worth? Perhaps the days are gone when she would turn up for the price of a packet of fags and her bus fare home? Hope so because underneath the slapper appearance, I reckon there's a nice person. Good luck to...
  4. Tasi

    New year with Peter Simon

    One of your best I thought Claw!:grin:
  5. Tasi

    I see he's back..... peddling his tat!

    We've been away since before Chjristmas and I've just popped in here to come up to speed. Am I right in thinking that gold tone and gold finish, just mean painted to look like gold? Ps. Have they stopped flogging that third rate 'triple A' Tanzanite?
  6. Tasi

    Merry Christmas...

    ... to all the price droppers and bidders who make this forum such a laugh. We are away now until the new year so keep the forum warm for me.
  7. Tasi


    Naw, he's an Eric for sure
  8. Tasi

    Another lie another day

    Tanzanite is set in is probably an out of date hula hoop in gold 'finish'. Going off the quote below, the Tanzanite piece that Peter Simon has got on at this very moment looks very pale. AAA grade Tanzanite is the best you can get. I have an AAA grade tanzanite ring. Three stones, not bought...
  9. Tasi

    Low price. Why? Mistake on the box.

    The Joker from Batman maybe?
  10. Tasi

    Low price. Why? Mistake on the box.

    And of course they all turned up wearing the 'fashion' items they have been trying to flog all year.
  11. Tasi


    Well, I'm not sure if he has had veneers put on his teeth by a bad dentist or if he wears dentures but if I sounded like him, I wouldn't say too much on the telly.
  12. Tasi

    Paul Becque going to price drop next year

    Mercifully I've never heard, or want to hear, Paul Ever's sing. A little of him goes a long way. He is one of those people you wish you could buy him for what he is worth, and sell him for what he thinks he is worth
  13. Tasi

    Low price. Why? Mistake on the box.

    [/B] You surprise me Steve. The Germans are reknowned for being able to organise 'one of those things in a brewery.' Not a skill one would automatically associate with situps
  14. Tasi

    Price Drop 'promo deal' lies

    They were selling a multi knife a few days ago. The self same ones are on sale in our town for a fiver... what's the mark up and profit sitips have?
  15. Tasi

    how do they get away with telling so many lies

    What a great idea . There wouldn't be an exec left standing and they would need counselling for months after we had finished with them
  16. Tasi

    remember when you could get a bargain?

    back in the days when we were very new to the shopping channels, we bought a steam iron from situps... I think it was elitech (sp?) for our holiday home. The first time I used it, as the steam built up the handle got so hot I burned myself. No blisters or anything like that, just a sore red...
  17. Tasi

    remember when you could get a bargain?

    Yes, how true and, sadly, there will always be naive people around who believe they are getting a bargain and some folk don't realize how much p&p they have to pay so don't add it to the price.
  18. Tasi

    remember when you could get a bargain?

    Until recently, although they mostly sold rubbish, now and again you could get a real bargain. I remember buying several everyday leather handbags from them, and some circon costume jewellery; cheap and cheerful but this was reflected in the price. A couple of years ago, we bought a Viners 6...
  19. Tasi

    Peter Simon test driving a hand massager

    I would think that situps are stuck with him. What else could he do? He is now a third rate, end of pier, entertainer who has shamelessly stolen better entertainers acts. We just have to view him as a cringeworthy comedy act. After all Hylda Baker made a career from malapropisms. He was once...
  20. Tasi

    Might they drop a channel from Freeview?

    Situps don't seem to be doing very well as in indicated in the extra hard sell. A while ago they dropped price drop from freeview and concentrated on the satellite channels. Maybe they'll do this again to save some money?