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  1. Tasi

    bid having problems

  2. Tasi

    The next cheap big thing?

    I wouldn't mind knitting the girls one for next time we go skiing. I'm not as good as my husband so have to stay on the lower slopes which get mighty crowded. One look at me, in me balaclava coming towards them and I would have a clear run down to the bar.
  3. Tasi

    All channels relaunching?

    What's Paul Evers done to his head? Or is he selling sticking plasters now?
  4. Tasi

    Mmm! Ben, the model is nice on Bid right now.

    Steady, steady! take one of your pink pills Greg and have a lie down in a darkened room
  5. Tasi

    Sabatier Trompette

    Never mind about that Greg. I'm just amazed they can spell it. Can't wait though for Peter Simon to try and pronounce it!
  6. Tasi


    Will do just that Calvin. What I like about this forum, is the support and encouragement you all give
  7. Tasi


    I've been doing really well up to now. gained a bit over Chrismas but got it off mid January. Did I blow it yesterday :angry:!! I went to a 'Taste of Vienna' promo and all I can say, is that I tasted well! Dreading the scales. I didn't go mad, but as I am on a low fat diet..... Oh dear!
  8. Tasi

    New Year, new complaint...

    I wonder if its anything to do with what someone was saying on here a while back? They kept getting cold calling from situps. Could be a spin off from that? Mind you, I wouldn't put anything past this bunch of spivs. These presenters and assistants must be desperate for work to associate...
  9. Tasi

    James Russell going away for a while

    I expect he managed to contact the mother ship and they beamed him up
  10. Tasi

    P&P Con proof

    Who in their right mind would want it anyway? I see so many of shopping channel stuff like this in a charity shop going for a maximum of £2, and we are left with them on our hands until we have a sale
  11. Tasi

    Ha Ha Ha Guess what they are waiting to be delievered tomorrow

    Don't tell me they are trying to reflog all the tat folk have returned? I thought they sent out James Russell, with it in a suit case, to find a spot on a street corner, with Sally Jaxs as his look out person.
  12. Tasi

    Peter Simon lists his ex girlfriends

    I was expecting Hinge, Bracket and Lily Savage
  13. Tasi

    Charlie McArdle's Dizzee Rascal's ad

    Thank you Steve, best laugh I've had all day.
  14. Tasi

    Who is the mystery presenter going to be at 10pm tonight on price-drop?

    No, not Ross because they deff, said it would be a celeb
  15. Tasi

    Viruses. Why do they do it?

    What a time I have had! Normally, if I get a virus attack on this laptop, a pop up tells me and my antivirus deals with it. I run a quick scan every day, and a full one once a week. Well last evening I ran a full scan and at the end this message came up 'Critical! Following virus detected...
  16. Tasi

    Charlie on Price Drop because of model Ben?

    I've seen him. Looks like he has trouble with his adenoids to me
  17. Tasi

    Charlie on Price Drop because of model Ben?

    I thought Charlie was going back to Jersey? Has he changed his mind, or just not able to sell his flat? Ps. I've not seen this new model, anyone got a photo? I want to see what all the fuss is about. At least he has a believable name. Maybe Dallas was named after the place he was conceived? If...
  18. Tasi

    Is the Tanzanite real? Disturbing Bid Facebook comment

    As I said before, someone I know and married to a jeweller, bought one for him to value. It was Tanzanite alright, but not nearly the quality suggested. My AAA Tanzanite looks nothing like situps. I find the claim in the first post interesting, if true then situps have committed a criminal...