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  1. Tasi

    What do you do when the Tanzanite 'lecture' begins?

    We only pop into the shopping channels if there is an advert on the othe rside or nothing on the radio. If we see Peter Simon, Screaming Lord Becque, Screeching Jaxx or James 'I love me' Russell we switch staright off. Because the tanzanite is such awful quality we don't even bother to listen to...
  2. Tasi

    This is nice...

    So tasteful. It's what my sideboard is lacking
  3. Tasi

    Get ready for the latest scare story sell

    Hubby always used to burn our shredded bits and bobs down the bottom of the garden. One, never to be forgotten day, the incinerator got a bit out of hand and set the lilac tree alight, this spread to an old medieval hedge (ON WHICH THERE WAS A PRESERVATION ORDER, or whatever it is called.) and...
  4. Tasi

    Peter Sherlock

    I suppose we will get used to it. It's human nature isn't it? When we start a new job, even in the same outfit, we tend to change our appearance. He'll go back to normal when he gets it out of his system. To be honest, I quite like his new look
  5. Tasi

    Mike's got Reggae CD's

    Our daughter was autistic and a music savant. She adored reggae. She died in 2010 and we played raggae and also Stevie Wonder at her funeral. She would have loved these CD's.
  6. Tasi

    Get ready for the latest scare story sell

    We have one of those cross shredders. We had a stamp thingie, but it wasn't that good. We give our shredded papers to a neighbour for bedding (not for him... his animals)
  7. Tasi

    New format for Bid Shopping

    At least you can read the postage on yours. if my husband isn't watching I have to get up and go close to the screen to read it. Having first shifted the dog off my feet and put down my tapestry or knitting!
  8. Tasi

    On Air Hours Cut

    We rarely watch the shoppers in the evenings, just pop over now and again in the advert breaks. Perhaps they are trying out the old less is more routine?
  9. Tasi

    Exclusive James Russell's Busman's Holiday Photos

    Who on earth could be offended, other than the ego that is James Russell. I loved 'em keep em coming Steve
  10. Tasi

    Bid Gardening Launch on Today

    We didn't touch 'em. By the time you've paid p&p you can get them cheaper at any garden centre. There was nothing new and exciting was there? Hopefully now though, they will put all those tacky garden fairies and solar lights in the gardening spot where very few will see them.
  11. Tasi

    Peter Simon

    I saw him, the first time for ages, last Sunday. He looked like he had been dug up and hit with the spade. Really pale and poorly. I know he has had cardiac treatment in the past and to me, looks as if he needs time off. He was well away, camping it up ( still using Larry Grayson's old material)...
  12. Tasi

    Lisa Brash Officially left.

    Unless she was sacked she'll be back, never fear. Apart from a pub, where else could she work? How's her charity candle thing going? Does anyone know? Perhaps she has had a road to Damascus moment and is leaving to spend more time as a charity worker? Good luck to her whatever she does until she...
  13. Tasi

    Intempo Evolve Anyone Bought One Of These Yet ?

    Our TV's do all that anyway. For me though its a bit like the problem I have with mobile phones. I just want a phone which makes calls. I don't want to take photos with it, I don't want to play games and I most certainly don't want to text. Each year it is getting more difficlt to get a basic...
  14. Tasi

    Intempo Evolve Anyone Bought One Of These Yet ?

    What is it?
  15. Tasi

    price drop mock

    Clever! I can't even do a hyperlink without following written instructions. How long does it take you to do?
  16. Tasi

    Not just fallen off the wagon, but positively leapt!

    Keeping everything crossed for you Karen when you weigh in
  17. Tasi

    Not just fallen off the wagon, but positively leapt!

    Thank goodness I only weigh at the end of each month, but even then I don't think I'll have much of a loss for February. This is the damage report. Friday: Indian taken from ASDA. It had the lot... and I mean the lot. Saturday: Sausage eggs and chips (chips done it the actifry and sausages...
  18. Tasi


    Not sure Greg, but wouldn't be surprised. When the 'mist' came out, it looked blinking perculiar.
  19. Tasi

    Steve McDonald

    Me too Gray. He's 4 years younger than my daughter would have been.
  20. Tasi


    Does anyone remember; a few years ago, they were knocking out a sort of glass semisphere in which you put water and, if you wished, a fragrant oil? It belched out a sort of 'ectoplasm' mist which I reckon would have had your wall paper off quicker than any steam stripper. I only saw it the once...