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  1. Tasi

    He's Back!

    I saw him on the box yesterday. I wish someone would show him how to wear a waistcoat. That gaping bit of white shirt at the bottom just made him look more of a waz.
  2. Tasi

    Phone Locking

    Steve: A couple of Christmas's ago, we had the complete Ronnie Barker collection as a pressie. Open all Hours is as funny and fresh now as it was then
  3. Tasi

    I've heard it all now

    A bread poultice works wonders for one of them
  4. Tasi

    Forget Sit-up! I'm totally addicted to Amazon! Why can't Sit-up be like Amazon??? for me.... books and sometimes DVD's
  5. Tasi

    Spud growing kit

    There's a bloke on now flogging a 'potato growing kit,,(black bucket, compost and seed potaotes) It took me back over 36 years to when we were first married and didn't have too much money. We used an old plastic dustbin found in a skip, 1 growbag mixed with 1 bag of compost ( couldn't afford 2...
  6. Tasi

    I've heard it all now

    Steeplejacks? Mighty cold old job in the winter
  7. Tasi

    Situp Ripping Off Marie Curie charity - 50p donation from a £17.99 item fair or foul?

    Well 50p in the tin is better than nothing and every little helps and all that, but what makes me cross is the way they are trying to give the impression that it ALL goes to charity. This is lower than a snakes belly, even for situps.
  8. Tasi

    I've heard it all now

    Or a bobby on beat duty:doh::doh:
  9. Tasi

    I've heard it all now

    When the 'mummy autopsy' finished on Quest, we turned over to pricedrop and that spiv Steve McDonald was selling those cheap old blankets with sleeves... You know the ones? Cheap flimsy material. You see them at street markets and cheapo shops for £4.99. He said, with a dead straight face, that...
  10. Tasi

    Dr Cringles

    I've googled, I've searched and I can't find Dr Cringle anywhere SURELY they're not selling their own brand as designed by a doctor... never, not situps
  11. Tasi

    Marla London Handbags

    Not surprised at all.
  12. Tasi

    Loen's Hair

    Is it a wig? I wasn't sure. I can't remember seeing that she had grown her hair. Hubby reckons they are extensions which begs the question Why?
  13. Tasi

    I'm a bit fed up with all these CD-roms

    I'm with you on this! Yes, they seem very reasonable but the cost of the ink to print out is pretty steep. I like the tutorials they do mind, but I agree there are too many about
  14. Tasi

    Halogen oven

    And also you have more chance of an IW lasting longer than a situps one. We bought an 'elitec' something or other, ages ago and it turned out to be dangerous and trading standards had it withdrawn.
  15. Tasi

    Halogen oven

    Exactly what we are looking for Argey! As I said, now we are retired we are downsizing... anything similar going by you? It's a case of 'have pension will travel, for Mark and me'
  16. Tasi

    Dr Cringles

    You know, I have often bought a T&K handbag for every day use. On the whole they are good solid bags. The thing is, that I can't find out where they are made and when I look at them now, I can't help but wonder if a 12 year old working an 18 hour day made it. Quite puts me off.
  17. Tasi

    Steve MacDonald - Can't Stand No More

    I'm exactly the same Steve. I used to really enjoy him, but now he is more like Arthur Daley's apprentice. Hubby and I tend to switch him off.
  18. Tasi

    The most profit you made?

    have you been eating any funny looking mushrooms Claw?
  19. Tasi

    What do you do when the Tanzanite 'lecture' begins?

    Do you, by any chance, mean Saint Peter the Plonka?
  20. Tasi

    Halogen oven

    Yes, I have used one and really liked it. My god daughter has one and I had a go. I've not bought one yet because we are downsizing prior to moving but I intend to get one when I get into my new kitchen... Ummm houses are so slow moving in our neck of the woods, they may well be out of fashion...