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  1. D

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Can you imagine 'carry your bag sir? Don't mean the wife by the way heheheh!' No tip there then.......
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    JR in Pinny

    Near from the 16 side......
  3. D

    What was the last thing you saw on shop at Bid and Price drop?

    I can't remember the last thing I saw. If only I'd known I'd never see Bid again, I'd have paid more attention. But it's one of those things that you just expect to always be there.....I'll spend the rest of my days saying 'if only, if only........'
  4. D

    He's just happy to be working...

    Bet you felt all warm and fuzzy inside......
  5. D

    What caused the sudden drop in sales?

    Very simple. They were selling crap.
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    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Not in front of a laydee! He opens car doors!! Hes a right gent gov' an' no mistake! An' I 'ave that on good aufority!
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    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Mike loved that phone/watch/toy didn't he? Bless him......
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    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Well, I actually heard he wasn't allowed to go. He was on the naughty step for talking back.
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    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Do you mean his colouring in book?
  10. D

    So where will the presenters reappear?

    Peter on strictly : 'not only the Argentinian of the tangos, not only in the Lycra, the sequins, that look as you walk onto that dance floor, the eyes on you, the diamontes on the decolleterr, the fragrance of the beauty of the feminine larger lady, with the curves....our Bet, our Maud we all...
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    I laughed at Sally's post when she said everyone was a true professional! Some of their sales talk was shameless in its scaremongering and downright lies. I'm sure Sally's alarm system doesn't consist of some sticky pads to stick on your windows, even although you will get money off your...
  12. D

    Worry Angels: symbolic of what was shambolic about Bid/Pricedrop

    It was obvious just before the Bid rebrand that it was going down the pan. Absolutely nothing was selling!
  13. D

    So where will the presenters reappear?

    Lol!!!! Avon lady!!!!
  14. D

    Before we disappear - Last thoughts - What's your bid experience?

    Hi Rita526! Although I disagree and positively refute your bizarre post re racist and homophobic posts, it's always nice to welcome a new member to the forum! Can I ask, are you a Justin Bieber fan also?
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    He always struck me as someone who might be quick to anger. Cocky little know-all who wouldn't like to be challenged on his opinion, and OTT with the Mr Nice Guy act in front of other people. Of course, I may be wrong......
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    Obviously, all I know of MM is from what I saw on TV. Personally, he wasn't to my taste. I've already said on here, he's the type of person I'd cross the road to avoid. In my opinion, he came across as a know-all who knew nothing, but had no insight into how boring he could be. His mysoginistic...
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    No more Laurelle, Sturling, Tommy & Kate

    Skin pharmacy. Sallehs fashion designs. The solar powered dragon statue, the one that brought on Mikes story about his dragon tatt watching over little 'un. Solar powered meerkat bird bath. Meerkat gnomes. Yes, you read that correctly. Faux fur throws with lion, tiger face.
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    A request to Graham

    Mai oui. He done a lot of strolling in Paris did James.
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    Signed: Sally jacks.
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    Before we disappear - Last thoughts - What's your bid experience?

    Brilliant!! Truly brilliant! Well done