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  1. Ilovelulu

    Beula's Feet !!!!

  2. Ilovelulu

    Beula's Feet !!!!

    No worries, always glad to be useful (or should that be useless!) lol
  3. Ilovelulu

    Glen Campbell..ggrrrrrrrrr

    I second this! yuck! lol
  4. Ilovelulu

    Beula's Feet !!!!

    :puke: Ewww glad I missed that! Also am I the only one that finds the idea of a 'Vajazzle' totally disgusting! Its bad enough getting it waxed never mind having someone stick diamantes on it as well! Poor, poor beauticans thats all I can say!
  5. Ilovelulu

    Best Balm/oil cleanser

    Well I ordered the AD Skin Synergy 'Try me' deal on QVC, waiting for it to be delivered. Hoping for good things after the reviews on here! lol Failing that I might give the Boots Botanics one a go, I love a bargain but don't mind paying the money for the AD if it does work. I'll let you know...
  6. Ilovelulu

    Just What Is She ,,,,,

    Catkins - your a woman after my own heart! lol I too have been like you and I always figured I needed to get my head 'in check' if you know what I mean before I would want to put a child through that! Decided I would always struggle through the years so best not to go down that route at all! PS...
  7. Ilovelulu

    Just What Is She ,,,,,

    I do joke alot about it and the horror of childbirth etc etc but I have never been horrible about babies to my friends or more especially horrible about their babies! lol My friends all know my feelings, some hope that they can encourage me to 'see the light' others just know that I am far...
  8. Ilovelulu

    Just What Is She ,,,,,

    I don't think theres anything wrong with being selfish about not wanting children. Better to be honest and say that than to have them and make them feel unwanted, theres enough unwanted children in the world as it is! I have no desire to be a mother, my friends all have children and as much as...
  9. Ilovelulu

    Sandstone pendant TSV

    I usually like the goldstone in blue and gold but this is a bit boring! Looks like they have put much thought into it tbh.
  10. Ilovelulu

    Compulsory Plus Size Models

    Totally agree! It was the same when Vanessa Feltz slimmed down, she said she was now a 12, when in reality I believe she must have been more like a 16/18. I'm an 18 and most folk find that hard to believe, most of them think I'm more a 14/16. I would love to find these clothes shop that they...
  11. Ilovelulu

    Hardest Ever Sell?

    Yep agree with that totally! the excuses they come up with for buying whatever they are 'punting' that day get worse and worse! CH is bad for this, I sometimes wonder if any of them have any common sense at all! DF has gone off the boil I think, I tend to turn over when she's on, to be honest...
  12. Ilovelulu

    TSV/Click Free Lee - Wiggy

    Having watched the video I have to agree here, I think it was just his own hair piled up higher on his head like a lot of the younger guys do, I don't think it suited him but I doubt it was a wig either (could be wrong here).
  13. Ilovelulu

    CEW Beauty hour...

    Yeah, several to me has always meant more than one or two, so I would have said it would be more like 40 odd years than 70 thats for sure. I always go on - couple = 2, a few = 3, several = 4 or more.
  14. Ilovelulu

    Alexis - L'Occitane

    Yeah Alexis is always well turned out, like Nikki from Lola Rose as well. I love that womans dress sense! Have to say that AY is also looking very summery and the colours in her top/dress are very flattering. She should wear brighter colours more often!
  15. Ilovelulu

    Tanya's eyebrows

    Ah well fair enough! lol x
  16. Ilovelulu

    Tanya's eyebrows

    she might just be a bit busy to get them tidied up, speaking as someone who 1/ hasn't had much spare time to go get them dealt with and 2/ can't actually be arsed at the mo!:doh: I can understand how easy it is to forget about them, mines are currently residing in the 80's just now and for...
  17. Ilovelulu

    Best Balm/oil cleanser

    I'm really interested as well folks, my skin is pretty stressed at the mo, spots and red patches, I'm using LE C&P but not loving it, it isn't annoying my skin but not helping it much either. I'm on a tightish budget these days and have never really thought of using a balm before, need help...
  18. Ilovelulu


    Well I'm really enjoying it, had to take a break over the last week as we're doing an office refiling and I've done my back in (amazing how moving a couple of hundred files can knacker you out!). Anyway getting back into it this week. The 20 min workouts do shoot by and the hour ones are hard...
  19. Ilovelulu

    Anti-Ageing Beauty Bible

    I dont know about the rest of you guys but I honestly haven't the energy for all this anti-aging hoohaa! I figure that I'm going to get old (in fact I'm getting old by the minute) I'll try my best to stick to a skincare routine but other than that I just can't be bothered! Life is too blooming...
  20. Ilovelulu

    Anne Dawson

    I agree in part Burlz, def no point eating the same crap and exercising, you will tone up a bit but not lose any weight, although if you don't exercise at the mo then most likely you will see a difference as your body will be shocked by it! As they always say, a healthy, calorie controlled...