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  1. DramaCat

    Julia's Blog

    that HAS to be someone from here! Hilarious. To be honest I think the blogs are an indulgence for the presenters with a captured audience. Why they would share deepy personal, emotional posts is beyond me - this isnt a FB page where they are posting to friends - they know that they are...
  2. DramaCat

    Gatineau - hand job!!!

    indeedy. I don't find him a sweetie but I do feel a wee bit sorry for him with the crap AY chucks his way, she really treats him like cack at times
  3. DramaCat

    Gatineau - hand job!!!

    Ok this always really annoys me. That Andrew bloke is horribly guilty of it. Putting stuff on the back of his hand, wiping it off and saying - look how wonderful and youthful it looks. I defy anyone to say the back of both their hands looks exactly the same. If you are right handed, the left...
  4. DramaCat

    Shiseido Thursday 30 Dec 8pm

    I really really like Shiseido, their make-up is sublime - BUT buying on QVC is no bargain (with the p&p)
  5. DramaCat

    Nails Inc TSV - 24/11/10

    I still haven't received mine, unusual for a TSV, cant really blame the snow (yet) as I got through it to work!
  6. DramaCat

    Where have all the Great Value TSV'S gone?

    sad but true, fully agree with all the comments made. On the plus side my credit card is happy. The departure of Molton Brown seemed to be the beginning of the end. I wouldn't be at all surprised if QVC didnt crash and burn within 2 years if they dont have a drastic overhaul. Competition is...
  7. DramaCat

    Julia's Hair :)

    there she is, the Cavey we love :clapping:
  8. DramaCat

    Julia's Hair :)

    Cavey Cavey Cavey what is WITH you? Ok you are obviously having an 'off' day so I will do the honours :devil: Yes her hair is looking better than it's usual bird nest affair but I so wish her annoyance factor had been straightened out too. She is totally, utterly nauseating. Between her and...
  9. DramaCat

    beauty day....

    I've watched bits throughout the day but not a single thing has tempted me. I am so over QVC :happy:
  10. DramaCat

    bobbi brown & renee

    I really like Ali but find Renee just too skanky. Her pouting just looks so porno!
  11. DramaCat

    please stop saying "for you" every few minutes

    Jill Franks just shouldn't be on the air. Not only is it bad grammer but surely it must be illegal to use amazing 5 times in one sentence. She thinks her entire audience are morons - if she had as many things in her make-up bag as she professes her bag would be the size of a small country. GET...
  12. DramaCat

    But this time I mean it!

    caught a bit of this show last night - and the line in question. There was something totally surreal about the bit I saw of that show, was very Twilight Zone meets Crossroads. Kept expecting the set to wobble and fall over or a spaceship to come and beam Julian up (and hopefully take him far...
  13. DramaCat

    AY- Our resident beauty expert

    I agree. Think it would be a good idea for her to revert back to this. She has obviously now been taking style tips from Glen, hence the frightful outfits and make-up tips from Marilyn Manson. Not a great look for a shopping channel really.
  14. DramaCat

    I really like the idea of the electronic coin jars...

    my son has one - totally crap, dont waste your money
  15. DramaCat

    Instyler 3 in 1

    yeah it is a different plug, my hubby is american so we visit quite a lot, I have a US 2 pin dryer and straighteners. Really just meant we are being conned...ooops I mean charged a whole lot more. Think I will try it though and return it within the 7 days if it's pants!
  16. DramaCat

    Instyler 3 in 1

    was a bit tempted by this too, its stupidly expensive though, only about $60 in the US. Has the extended return date started yet? If so I might try it.
  17. DramaCat

    OPI TSV 21st October

    as a rule I dont like glitter polishes, only because they are such a pain to remove, but they look truly stunning - especially in the party season. Still undecided on this one, might just get a couple of the shimmer ones in Sallys, the copper one looks fab!
  18. DramaCat

    Leighton Denny TSV - mid December

    oh Molton we miss you
  19. DramaCat

    Liz Earle Mini Series

    thanks for the No7 tip, am totally going to try it out. I have the Soap & Glory one which I am not loving as much as I thought I would. There are always offers on No7 stuff too, that could be really economical. Liz must be fuming!! ahhh shame - NOT!
  20. DramaCat

    Judith Williams - Cobblars Awls!

    I had to switch over after about 2 minutes, Charlie was making me too nauseous!