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  1. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The Bermuda watch looks utter shite despite it being the cheapest they flog it is arguably the worst value
  2. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The matthew le tissier is selling out for 1200... quid Kevin is urging us to ring not use the website Howard actually looks a tad ashamed to be doing a show like this . He is a strange character for sure but he is not really a pressure salesman
  3. A

    Ideal world savings club!!!

    Had this call a while back What a superb offer we must be mad to turn it down
  4. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    This furniture collection stuff is shocking Very similar products with better reviews are abound on amazon for between 200 and 400 Joanne had a giggle when they told her the price.. Not the only one joanne
  5. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Now the act of how much ps cares about those need to spend more time in bed due to illness Feel quite nuseaous
  6. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon screaming no interest in the bedding show He means on flexible pay. By the way he is shouting I would suggest they have sold 8 in the hour so far
  7. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Amit is something else Tom! Amazed he gets away with it Seen George a few times a vile presenter if ever there was one. Salleh going mental about the pie maker. Agree doubt they sold one ever for 80 quid 35 delivered seems a fair enough price. "It's so busehhh it really is" Then spends 5...
  8. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    35 quid for a 6 inch Xmas cake! And it's on advanced order Wowsers Hang on some chocs now for 53 quid delivered you get sme hot chocolate with it tbf! The ideal watch shows have made me chuckle as others have said fantasy land
  9. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Thanks all Meant to mention easy pay in more detail both channel's lmo are now mentioning installments as the default rather than the option. Gives a determined outcome for months ahead but like has been said must be a fair proportion who default. They must have the figures that tell them...
  10. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Hi all been in hospital for an age and not been able to watc Sadly have a lot of time now recovering at home so have been last few weeks! The qvc v ideal debate is interesting. Watched close to an equality amount of both. Qvc Postage seems to be creeping up last week a presenter mentioned...
  11. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Jesus since i started that post Mum has been mentioned 4 times in a minute Time for a long walk have a good evening all
  12. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Our "ayley" is buying every product going on the fashion show for her mum. I am not a massive fan of Paul Becque but tbf he does buy a lot of products (various pics/videos have shown this) I suspect Ayley and others dont (could be wrong) tbf a lot of presenters do that on all the shopping...
  13. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I thought you would like that "meal" Wirral He also stated this is what you would expect in a "top class restuarant" really not so sure on that myself William. Good to hear you are on the mend Mutley, funnyingly enough i was in for a day op recently and the tele was still on and on ideal...
  14. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Just watched a bit of the knife show with Peter Simon and Chris Park Seemed a strange time to launch a new product, good reviews in the States and compared to the US price was a good one. Not sure why he was drafted in his cutting technique left a lot to be desired
  15. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    qvc? :) saw one the other night presented by the rancid ingrid tarrant (ex chris) or whatever her name is now actually correction they were £108 quid! As they were at pains to state what a pain cotton is to wash i can only assume they were poly
  16. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Must admit not watched much last few weeks mainly because the same everyday, cant imagine many do that dont buy at least occasionally. Ill agree with Shopper from my limited experience can only imagine the fast delivery (compared to other shopping tv) and the occasional bargain (the 3 things i...
  17. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    definite tension in that show our ayley not enjoying the fact the guest actually wants to talk about the product i wish she would shove her little red box up her arse tbh
  18. A

    Asa Ruling

    Not really to alarmed by the certification stuff Turandot. What i was alarmed by was the "investement claims"
  19. A

    Not so best channel after all.

    Says coming back in May not sure why that would be
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    Asa Ruling

    Sadly the same presenter did almost the exact same pitch as the one the ASA deemed as unacceptable. Shows you the impact then!