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  1. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Ignoring the fact that they're doing an 80's theme for the anniversary of a channel that started in 2000, I've just flicked over for the first time today and "I'm not a chef" John is dressed as Adam Ant. Rob however is just sitting (as usual) in an old leather jacket and, looking like a twat...
  2. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Rob mentioned last night that he has a new agent who has managed to get him some parts in upcoming dramas. As has been said it will probably be Corpse #3 in Vera or some minor role that he will endlessly push once it's been shown. On the subject of becoming a singer, if memory serves me right...
  3. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    I'm seriously concerned about Rob Locke (with an E) and his mental state. Simon Lies can hardly get his carpet washing shtick in because Rob has been waffling shite for the last 25 minutes. We're getting all his greatest hits tonight; "I used to live in L.A. you know", "I've been told I look...
  4. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    If it's so good a product and he believes in it so much, even if he does like being bald, why doesn't he try it for a month? Prove it to us because we're not just his customers, we're his prized friends who he keeps telling us that he'd never lie to us. Him and the Goddess swear by every other...
  5. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    If I hadn't deleted it so quickly I would have. I saw the BK story earlier so that was the first thing I thought of
  6. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Well if there's any doubt about the "lad culture" behind the scenes at Ideal World, it's just been confirmed to me at least, in their latest email headed "Celebrate International Women's Day with Kitchen Aid". You can hear it now, "Get back in there Goddess and make me a fackin' sandwich!"
  7. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    The man is absolutely delusional. The thing is, he actually believes that this tweet will create a social media storm with millions of his fans retweeting it and bringing him to the attention of the Beeb higher ups. Every one of his shows will be an audition, showcasing his range of accents and...
  8. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    You hit the nail on the head there. Last night the cross trainer demonstration lady was in blatantly false laughing mode at everything Pervy said. It's like they're told "Amuse him when he goes into his routine. It'll be less awkward on screen". routine Meanwhile the young girl who, (well I...
  9. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Next time the Drill All drill bit guy comes in could he drill into Pervy Pete's thumbnail and draw out that dirty blood blister he's had for about 3 years. Failing that, a sterilised needle will do it. He's being absolutely disgusting tonight in those manky blue t-shirt and blue shorts while...
  10. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Imagine being at the Ideal World Christmas party (when they're allowed again) and getting trapped in a conversation between Mulberry Silk Ray and the guy who used to flog the Snore Wizard. You wouldn't wake up until after Easter.
  11. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    I wonder if they're testing for new presenters or if it is just to cover sickies? COVID and lockdown may be affecting their staffing levels. I know Sally took time off to shield but I thought she was more or less back full time now. I haven't seen Dee-knees for a while. Howard hasn't been seen...
  12. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    I'll answer my own question as I can't sleep so I done a bit of internet searching. It's Mark Ryes (me neither). Looks like he wasn't busy when they called him as he's touting for voiceover work on his website.
  13. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Who's the new presenter on the overnight show tonight with the Emma mattress guy? I recognise him from Bid Up/Price Drop but the IW website just says "presented by TBC". Must have had a few sickies or Rob has flounced off in a huff. This guy isn't too bad but he's still got the Bid Up stink on...
  14. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Good! It's about time this was looked into, not just the payments but Ideal World in particular for mis-selling products using Openpay . How many times have you heard Mason or Varney telling us it's a "soft credit check" (it will still show up and affect your credit report whether you pass or...
  15. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Strange selling technique being used today (probably not for the first time) on the eLife bike. When it was on last week, it was on offer for £899.99 down from it's usual price of £999.99. Today the offer is £899.99 down from it's usual price of £1099.99. So if I were to buy it today I would be...
  16. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    I forgot Alex Lester used the phrase. I used to enjoy him on Radio 2 on my way home from working lates. I completely agree about Peter Simon though. His "routine" is stolen from real comedy legends like Larry Grayson, Frankie Howerd, Les Dawson and Rob Wilton. He hasn't got the natural charisma...
  17. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Strangely enough I looked on their website earlier this week to see if they were still flogging his products and they still had two on there. I didn't realise that they had shows lined up for his brand. I hope everyone joins me in emailing a complaint to Ideal World protesting against this. If...
  18. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    I can't seem to stop posting tonight. Does anyone here think that the presenters are reading this board? The thought just popped in my head after I re-read one of my posts from last week which started "Pervy Pete is on The Best Time Of Day Show™" and a night or so later Rob Lockwithane was...
  19. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    We had the Alpine man here in Liverpool back in the 80's. All different flavours back when dandelion and burdock tasted amazing, not synthetic/chemical like it does now. And green cream soda! Mmmmmm!
  20. N

    Random musings and general banter.

    Next time he'll be telling us how healthy it is for us as it ionises the water 😂😂😂