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  1. reddwarf

    Irradiated stones

    Aaah bless :mysmilie_697:
  2. reddwarf

    Anyone see the "Shooting Stars" collection tonight?

    I saw a bit of this, could it have been any more cheesy if it tried, you get the nerdy boffin scientist type guy to make you believe it is that good, although it didn't work, then you get James Russell in a tux!!! Plus I loved the way they didn't want you to see as posted above by AB, no we had...
  3. reddwarf

    Vicki brown

    It is probably a habit now, even if she got it cut she would keep doing it, and look like she has a nervous twitch.:mysmilie_17:
  4. reddwarf

    Derek Marks

    Yes, all the best to him! Very sorry to see him go! :mysmilie_12:
  5. reddwarf

    My little rant....

    Oh dear, sorry to hear about your day, much better to get it off your chest though eh! :mysmilie_698:
  6. reddwarf


    I thought I had heard of this before somewhere so I asked a friend of mine that is really into her gems, she showed me a stunning stone that she has, (it is the one from Steves gem book so I am honoured :mysmilie_697:) I think this is true, that it has more fire/dispersion so long as you get a...
  7. reddwarf

    Irradiated stones

    Reminds me of the souvenir shops from UK holidays as a kid, especially the ones at the end of a trip down a mine! I kid you not, we would go away as a family including aunties and cousins, nans & Grandads, we would arrive at the accomodation where there would have been purposely left an array of...
  8. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    Then it will 'ave to be the first one to get me snout in :mysmilie_81::mysmilie_697:
  9. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    Yay! That one works :mysmilie_696:, although why would they make a gas mask that doesn't cover your eyes?...... That post about James Russells shaving balm......creased me up, made my day! :mysmilie_61:
  10. reddwarf

    Why do you all watch?

    I would rather you bring that fireman with the Titanium ring!:mysmilie_697:
  11. reddwarf

    Paul Lavers

    If they do then now might be a good time to invest in some shares in them as the scary Mr lavers plays tricks of the mind through the tv!:mysmilie_697: I have a frightening vision of sitting in my lounge surrounded by shed loads of selly telly items explaining to the ol' man that I know not how...
  12. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    :mysmilie_61: For some reason that pic wont go bigger but I thought it was a gas mask?....maybe I need to borrow your glasses PG? :mysmilie_697:
  13. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    Well it couldn't have been number two picture.....that one is me having been '''d'' :mysmilie_697:
  14. reddwarf

    Paul Lavers

    ◦Enhance your charisma and make your audience fall in love with you. ◦Develop your natural wit and charm. ◦Become a commanding and powerful to influence millions to buy the products you present to them.◦Exude that 'star' quality...without having to over-perform or fake it...
  15. reddwarf

    Why do you all watch?

    You call that bitching? You aint seen nothing brother! :mysmilie_697: And for the record could the next blow up wait til I'm here please as I always miss out. :mysmilie_61:
  16. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    OK PG, stop beating around the bush, if you've got something to say just say it, get to the point! :mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61:
  17. reddwarf

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    Me too! It is insulting, they are selling to grown ups not five year olds, if they were any good at entertaining or acting then that is what they would be doing, instead they are there to sell jewellery not auditioning for future spotlight which is what I think is really going on.
  18. reddwarf

    Please let this be a mistake!!!!!!!

    Oh dear! Just when I thought things were getting better with Fuller leaving we get this! Sorry but I wont watch when Stacey is on, couldn't tolerate that spoilt brat style on Rocks & Co so wont be watching TJC either. :mysmilie_81:
  19. reddwarf

    Pendant Into A Brooch?????

    Argh that grates.... 'Breathless' :mysmilie_81:
  20. reddwarf

    Items repeating?

    :mysmilie_687: You clever lot...I get it now :mysmilie_697: