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  1. reddwarf

    My first haul in a long while

    Thanks for the lovely comments, I don't know how they do it either for the prices, I did spot a really nice Apatite cluster that I wanted but not seen it again since, you cant buy half decent costume jewellery for this money! :mysmilie_698:
  2. reddwarf


    I think you'll find that not only did he produce for Gems, he went over with Steve to Vinnapris too, and now with him at Rocks. :mysmilie_12:
  3. reddwarf


    :mysmilie_348: Debsie!! :mysmilie_696: :mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61:
  4. reddwarf

    More John - Thanks TJC

    Somebody shoot me now! :mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73::mysmilie_81::mysmilie_81:................................................................:mysmilie_61:
  5. reddwarf


    Mind you, all these jewellery channels are like 'Mike Reids Runaround' (showing my age here and in desperate hope someone knows what I am refering to :mysmilie_697:) Everytime I switch on I'm confused who is working where!:mysmilie_61:
  6. reddwarf

    He is grinding my gears!

    :mysmilie_61: Me too! This thread is like an old episode of 'Tales of the unexpected'...more twists than a curlywurly! I can see it from all angles, Lee is a member here and entitled to his opinion, if he wants to complain then that is his perogative, for the record I have noticed that not...
  7. reddwarf

    Gems TV - ASA Complaint Partly Upheld

    Crikey! Of some of the stunts they have pulled they get a slapped wrist for that? :mysmilie_81:.........:mysmilie_61:
  8. reddwarf

    My first haul in a long while

    :mysmilie_348: Yes it is the same one! It arrived today :mysmilie_701: I got the Amethyst one I was hunting for and that is a monster, I love it! (Sorry to hijack your thread :mysmilie_697:)
  9. reddwarf

    Tourmaline question

    Incredible, does this not undermine the value of a Paraiba actually from Paraiba, I wouldn't be happy if I owned one. :mysmilie_698:
  10. reddwarf

    Tourmaline question

    Well I am in the camp of 'if it is called Paraiba then that is where it should be from' I still think it was a bit of a con, sailing on the back of the fact a proper Paraiba, from Paraiba in Brazil, commands a lot of dosh! :mysmilie_11:
  11. reddwarf

    I have noticed!!!!

    I wondered where you had gone to PG! :mysmilie_697: You poor thing, a household without Sky Aaarghhhh! 'Audience' is much more fitting with the new style, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gems tv seem to be trying to turn themselves into a retro game show, cheesy music, big hair, the...
  12. reddwarf

    More John - Thanks TJC

    He seems a good presenter, so easy to watch and amusing, watch me give him the kiss of doom now that I posted a favourable comment!!! :mysmilie_697:
  13. reddwarf

    How pretty is this?

    Wow, that's different, well done on spotting that. :mysmilie_696:
  14. reddwarf

    My first haul in a long while

    Very nice! I'm waiting on a Tanzy ring, might be the same one, I bought it whilst flicking over to the website between reading on a forum, so can't really remember what it looked like :mysmilie_697: I thought some of the silver combos were superb value! :mysmilie_374:
  15. reddwarf

    Its gone!!!

    I've seen this happen but didn't really understand what was going on, pretty shoddy! Always makes the presenter look a plank too.
  16. reddwarf


    What is the average length then? I've never bought a bracelet from them so have no idea but I find 7.5'' is generally perfect for me. You must have pretty small wrists eh?
  17. reddwarf

    The presenters on TJC look washed out

    I'm sure it is just by comparison to the other channels, I have felt at times the others should have carried the 'do not adjust your set' logo! As I've turned onto some and thought my tv was on the blink, so many of them look like they have been tangoed! Yuk!!! :mysmilie_17:
  18. reddwarf

    B Charming???

    'fraid so, nothing more exciting than that :mysmilie_17:
  19. reddwarf


    I didn't see it air but thought it looked quite nice from the pic, at least it wouldn't be lost like some of those fiddly little pointless pendants they sometimes sell or those kiddy handbag ones :mysmilie_697:
  20. reddwarf

    Elisa Portelli

    :mysmilie_61: Good choices! You may not have faired so well should you have gone for an autographed item or a Tiffany & Co bracelet :mysmilie_61: