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  1. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    Oooooooh no need to get your knickers in a twist. I just thought someone who demands concrete fact from bid tv would themselves provide a little more than a quote from Wikipedia and a massive slice of assumption to back up their claims. No offence, but it's a tad hypocritical don't you think?
  2. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    So. Let me get this straight. You have read something on Wikipedia. Made an assumption based on what you read on Wikipedia. Then presented it on here as 'fact'? Really?
  3. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    well better late than never.
  4. B

    Counting down the clock...

    OMG it annoys me too. A real switch over moment! Jacks is the worst for it but they all have a go at it!
  5. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    Maybe you should call them and ask them? It might make a nice change from phoning French palaces lol .. I honestly don't see what your problem is with this. No offence but it seems a bit over the top and unnecessary. Balmain Paris make pens. Simple. Yes it's not made of cloth like their fashion...
  6. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    But I only want one.
  7. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    Ah the sound of back peddling lol. You have no idea if the pen is made by balmsin or not but you are prepared to slaughter bid for telling the history of the brand? Interesting! Even if they don't it's hardly uncommon practice. You mention virgin above. Virgin media have nothing to do with...
  8. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    Apart from being by the exact same company????
  9. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    Andy Hodgeson was the head of broadcast for many years and also the sales manager too. As head of broadcast he was the person responsible for HIRING and TRAINING steve macdonald, peter simon and james russel. And many more too . He was the one who made decisions about all output from all three...
  10. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    he was in charge of it for 10 years. so responsible for much of what you watch. saviour? hardly!
  11. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    [/B] If BID was selling jaguar aftershave would you expect them NOT to mention in any way shape or form the history of jaguar? or the jaguar car? of course not!!! the NAME on the pen is BALMAIN. whoever made it BALMAIN have entrusted them with their name, history and reputation. and therefor...
  12. B

    What presenters irritate you and why?

    Andy 'Partridge wanna be' Hodgeson annoys the heck out of me. especially his irritating melodic tone he uses to describe stuff." just talk about it andy for gods sake!" i really dont see what people enjoy about him. he is the most self indulgent, irritating and unprofessional presenter at BID!
  13. B

    Chris Birkett

    Yes i agree. i like him. i enjoy the fact he really tries especially when it comes to cooking things. most presenters dont cook anything if they have a set of pans but chris always does. i will miss him. good luck to him in whatever he does
  14. B

    Balmain Pens - Not Quite As High End as Russell Maintains?

    You must work for an incredibly generous comany to not only provide you with such luxurious pens but to also allow you to spend time each and every day watching and commenting on shopping telly. i had no idea such companies existed. I watched last night and the only thing disingenuous is your...
  15. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    I think Andy is under the impression that the views of this forum represent the views of the viewing public. unfortunately for him nothing could be further from the truth. the presenters you like are the ones who make the least money for BID and the products you hate are the ones that make the...
  16. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    Firstly do you not think its a tad rude to call someone a troll? i am expressing my opinion. i appreciate it may be different to your and others, but to resort to insulting people is uncalled for.
  17. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    I love guy. He's actually my favourite! Dry. Witty and fun to watch.
  18. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    I don't want him to lie. What an odd thing to suggest. And my opinions are based on a little more substance than opposing yours. If you applaud someone for telling the viewers the diamonds in a deal of the day are !'tiny and not worth mentioning" then that's up to you. Personally I find it a...
  19. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    He would be a good presenter if he was himself but he never is. It's all just an act. I think he is probably bitter about losing his manager role and is now showing that in his presenting. I can't imagine the bosses will tolerate it for long. He never looks like he sells much. Hardly surprising...
  20. B

    Andy Hodgson should be fired!

    I have never been a fan. i cant stand his constant melodic voice. "if you want comfort buy this, if you want support buy this, if you want quality buy this" i loath the way he adopts a naff infomercial patter when ever he does a demonstration. "First you get the steak knife, then you get the...