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  1. M

    Mike we are not mugs

    I agree with every word. I didn't say or even insinuate PJ 'made it up' either.
  2. M

    Mike we are not mugs

    Why? What difference does it make?
  3. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    Well then good for you PJ. I'm pleased you can sleep at night. Because of the company & the odd few, hundreds of employees with families to support would lose their jobs. But hey, that's ok right? Because everyone that watches shopping channels are morons who can 't read & are deliberately...
  4. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    Absolutely. If the ASA named all their 'upheld' complaints you 'd bemore the wiser.
  5. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    There have been a few comments on here in the past that people should have been immediately been 'pulled on'. I'm not a moderator so it's not my place to say but I know they have been noted. People are entitled to opinions but calling people 'Liars' without any actual, full substantiation is...
  6. M

    Mike we are not mugs

    PJ, Mike could go on air and say nothing more than 'good evening' and you would be on here saying, 'well it's not evening in Australia'. You would do ANYTHING to discredit this man. For what reason, I do not know. It makes no sense. You 'think' he's a liar but you have no proof. Speak to the ASA...
  7. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    As you well know, I am talking about personal attacks against presenters. There 's a big difference between a presenters inaccuracies & personal attacks.
  8. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    I agreeSazza, but from a legal opinion. Perhaps you and Graham need to intervene more often as there's a lot of things said on here that are inappropriate, and sometimes verging on slander. I know Graham has had a difficult time in the past with shopping channels so maybe you need to up your...
  9. M

    Mike we are not mugs

    I closed my eyes to the poster when I read the title of the post, but if I was a betting person would have earned thousands if I'd have placed a bet. PJ you are FAR too predictable.
  10. M

    Mike the electrician makes error

    I love that Mike gets so much grief for the Bass Reflex Sheet... It wasn't even his idea!
  11. M

    Lisa & Rezzy

    I don't think he's THAT stupid! ;-)
  12. M

    Lisa & Rezzy

    He only got the tattoo last month.
  13. M

    Lisa & Rezzy

    But Lisa has tons of tattoo's (feet, back, belly) and she shows them off.
  14. M

    Roots out weed killer

    Yes. It's brilliant. Works very well.
  15. M

    "The shopping channel bubble!"

    So you are a member of his fan page then? Odd... I though you disliked him.
  16. M

    Calling bid from a mobile.

    Mobile phone signals must work in the studio as some presenters do a 'text in' thing on their shift where they read out text messages live on air.
  17. M

    Just For Fun - Who Are Your Top 3 Best & Worst Sit Up Presenters?

    Yes, I was wrong. They were together for just under 2years.
  18. M

    Well Mike

    * his (not hose)!!
  19. M

    Well Mike

    My bad. It was just under 2yrs. I stand corrected. My point was that she obviously observed hose work at the time as she does a few of the same things he does on her shifts.
  20. M

    "The shopping channel bubble!"

    Exactly... Not 'a lot'.