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  1. S

    OMG ... what an AMAZING 1/2 price deal!

    I once expressed my childhood crush on Peter Simon [What can I say? I was lonely] but seeing him on Ideal World he is either a lunatic seeing his feet for the first time or so sombre I am convinced some tragic event has just happened. There is no middle ground. Strange selling technique by a...
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    OMG ... what an AMAZING 1/2 price deal!

    I saw this idiot for the first time selling this. I found him quite offensive, practically shouting at the screen "if you don't play the game mate, don't quote the rules" in reference to someone who doesn't do the hoovering. I would call him a muppet but I actually like The Muppets and find...
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    Joe Resemblance IW chef

    1. If you are going to slag someone off please, at least, get their name right. 2. Size and weight isn't always connected to what you eat. Thank you.
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    Stock keeps selling out 30 minutes after the item is shown

    Maybe it's another ploy, given that 'sold out [and gone]' stock re-appears a couple of days later. They can then prattle on about how last time it sold out [and went]..It also creates the illusion that you may need to buy it before they run out again.
  5. S

    Tefal Optigrill - 7am Monday - price comparison LOL

    And with all those tablets they sell to where you can compare holiday prices, but not their prices apparently.
  6. S

    What an irritating man Howard is

    [assumes Welsh accent] Can I just say..... [puts finger in ear to pretend my producer has astounding news] I agree with you all....
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    Trinny & Susannah

    Thank you for mentioning Sara Griffiths and her inability to keep her mouth shut for five seconds. I saw her on a technology show the day before and found her incredibly rude to the guest presenter. They were talking about a Samsung robot vacuum cleaner for £600 and she just talked all over him.
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    Can we give everyone a break?

    I agree with you Nicky-J but the problem these days is that people [not necessarilly on this forum] hide behind 'freedom of speech' to justify nasty and rude comments - that is what a lot of the Internet is. With any forum you are going to get varying degrees of this and I understand that your...
  9. S

    Finally had enough!!

    To be honest, you can store lots of films and photo's as long as you don't want HD films. You might not have much room for other items though. Plus you can back up stuff. It's not much different from other shopping channels. They are not lying but being economical with it's deficiencies.
  10. S

    do they have to tell the truth?

    If you have a problem, complain. I am sure, like radio, IW have to keep a copy of their broadcasts for at least 3 months [I don't know the exact length of time] in case of complaint. I tend to think that people working in Tesco would shop mainly at Tesco, those in Curry's would buy their stuff...
  11. S

    Where's Janice???

    While we are at confessional, I kinda like Peter Simon too. Had a thing for him when he was on kids TV. Of course my thing has wilted over the years due to age but there's no cream for that no matter what Ideal World/QVC claim..... Thank you for listening, I feel cleansed.
  12. S

    Where's Janice???

    I love watching Janice, she has a job to do and does it. Not pretentious like a lot of the make up "experts" and not as "fake dumb" as the main presenters. She's been on all over the weekend, I guess she's allowed a day off!
  13. S

    Apple Prices on QVC

    One of the benefits of an iPad is that 99% of the time you won't need the warranty. I know they may not be perfect but compared to other machines, it is light years ahead, hence the price. Yes, I live in the Cult of Mac, so I am biased...
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    I am so glad you mentioned this! The other night I was watching some Bissell show and she kept saying 'sold out and gone' - it's it's like like repeating repeating everything you you say and so so annoying. [annoying] This was dovetailed with a show with Howard wittering on about how Santa buys...
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    Joan Rivers

    Wow! I've had a post deleted without a word or explanation by this forum. It was not shocking or abusive - unlike the post I commented on - otherwise I wouldn't have had so many likes. It's like being a QVC reviewer! That is if this isn't removed of course.....
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    Hi Tech Toys & Electronics TSV 8/9/14

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh! Windows 8 - run for the hills! :mysmilie_19:
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    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/14 (QVC Birthday)

    I was always a bit 'Meh!' to this kind of stuff until I was at a friends and had a whiff of Naran Ji and slapped a bit of it on. I loved it but cannot find it except on eBay which I refuse to use. I might be 10 years out of date though......
  18. S

    Uh Oh! Tom Tom No No!

    POI's tend to be by the side of the car and I need to keep looking forward! I took my original Tom Tom to Canada [with the right map of course] and it pointed out no end of wonderful sights we would have otherwise missed [especially along the Niagara Escarpment].
  19. S

    Uh Oh! Tom Tom No No!

    Just a word of warning to anyone buying a Tom Tom. I wanted an upgrade so went for the Tom Tom Go 600 on Ideal World, it looked great and appeared to be just what I wanted. Ideal World did have a good price, ordering was relatively easy and was delivered speedily. The unit itself is beautiful...
  20. S

    Why cant we have a Male themed Day?

    They have probably lost all their male viewers due to the constant stream of frocks and lotions/potions and crafting. But it is the same in a lot of stores, acres of ever-changing women's stuff and one pathetic stand of men's items that's been there since 1973.