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  1. T

    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    I thank you for your thank you Argey! :D I see we've had a visit on here from Travel Steps as well....and after SimplyNoctune posted...hmmmmm! N to think I used to scoff at people who believe in deja vu! :D:D:D:D:D:D
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    Paul Mckenna has gone

    The problem with his "method" is that it may, if at all work once but it won't be a "sustained cure". He using a method called NPL and is a "flooding" method. I have yet to hear of anyone who has used any of his CDs and found that it has be of any benefit. To loose weight, please see your...
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    I thought the name of this sole "happy customer" rang a bell..... Look who posts shortly after's the company Travel Steps!
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    May I also suggest you request that they remove your details from their data base. Inform them that you did not give IW permission to pass them on therefore they have broken the data protection act. A friend of mine was receiving several calls from them a day until she asked them to remove her...
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    An Invitation to QVC Towers!

    Hope you have a wonderful day. You certainly have the right forum name to get an invite! :D
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    Craft day tsv

    I think QVC have tryed to keep extra quiet on the TSV as they didn't want to tip off IW what it was. They do try and pre-empt the TSV when they have a craft day so close to the QVC one.
  7. T

    Weird or what!

    Just your opinion - And the opinion shared by many others Angiebabe.
  8. T

    Have Ideal World Changed Their Name

    If I were you I would contact IW and more importantly trading standards to make an official complaint about this call. IW are apparently continually disassociating themselves from this travel company and yet this practise of the caller maintaining they are calling from IW (knowing all your...
  9. T

    How Did They Get the Details?

    I'd call the Police as clearly laws have been broken here. They can also advise you who else to call.
  10. T

    Yeah yeah yeah!

    I think she did it one too many times to Dawn Bibby during a craft show this week because Dawn stopped demoing and it went to a still photo of the product and you heard Pipa say. "What? What? I am listening, I'm just...." and Dawn continued talking. Good for you Dawn!
  11. T

    Notice of requisition of a General Meeting

    If we are compiling a list - How about replacing Weightman with someone that does know and cares about crafting and the crafter?
  12. T

    A few complaints....

    I agree with your original post Cheesecake but not sure I would have called Leon and Denise massive, but depends on the mood I was in when typing!:59: I would have definately used the word unsuitable though! Love ya posts Cheesecake. Straight to the point and from the heart.
  13. T

    Ideal's financial woes.

    Interesting post Postman Matt. The audit and a recent post on this forum about people "pulling the wool" over the eyes of the management and the last CEO certainly has caused me to pay more attention to the goings on in Peterbro!
  14. T

    New Year Same Butcher!

    Quite's called contractual obligation! They don't have a say in what shows they do. Why not target QVC USA with complaints? They are the head office and if they stop selling Basso then surely the UK would follow.
  15. T

    Ideal founders snap up shares

    Sorry your comment relating to the topic title or to tv shoppers post? ha ha ha! IW selling off late night air time to a porn channel! Ha ha ha! Can you imagine SW pushing an "ex-wiz-ate" 4 day deal for them!....Um actually, lets not! :2:
  16. T

    Conspiracy theory ahoy!!!

    Very interesting theory may have something there. However, I think QVC have always done a lot of easy pays leading up to Christmas but agree there has appeared to have been more this year. As Mrs James points least they have stuff we want unlike IW. I know that IW...
  17. T

    On the previous Craft weekend did they give free club membership?

    WOW! What a great incentive to buy the POTD.....Not! Wonder if this is the same club that they advertise on their web site as now costing £2-00 for a months' membership! Such a great give away with the POTD huh?! :9:
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    Crafty Telly

    Sorry, got disconected again!:17: The company have 11 sets but only 7 are showing on their web site so Email them for details of their other choices.
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    Crafty Telly

    Hi, Tried to get onto this morning and got a message about an error on the database. Still can't get on so thought I would post here if it's okay with everyone. If you are interested in the "Pinflair Steppers" here's the website to the company who actually make them. They...
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    Ideal Share Price (down, down down)

    It does make sense, of course to look at all avenues. However, may be it's just me, but I don't understand why "interaction" with Shopping Telly will be important to them? As long as this is an open forum, all they need do is read the posts to see how the members feel. QVC don't seem to...