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  1. H

    A friend of mine got a pendant from a charity shop

    Nobody is going to set a half decent .50 diamond in silver and any jeweller will have a loupe to spot inclusions and a diamond testing kit (they're cheap!), so maybe it's a crummy diamond?
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    Peter Sherlock

    Absolutely. I can't help but think that the people prepared to part with such monumental piles of cash haven't reached the point where they like themselves.
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    The wedding shop

    Thanks so much for the heads up about this. Fascinating!
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    Pre-price increase?

    I'm honestly amazed that anybody buys diamonds off the telly in the first place. I can't imagine buying an expensive piece of jewellery without being able to inspect the actual piece I was getting, in person, before handing over the cash. It's possible that I'm just risk averse though!
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    Absolutely. Jewellery given with love is always the most precious.
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    Such sneakiness putting not even faintly pink diamonds into rose gold to give an illusion. I hope you sent yours back Deasmum?!
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    You put your finger on it Susie!
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    Peter Sherlock

    Peter Sherlock couldn't persuade me to buy a pack of toffees but apparently he's getting others to purchase some electronic skin care device for £799.99 (with a start price of close to ten thousand quid). This is an honest question. Would you buy something you hadn't tried, for £799.00, from a...
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    Lindsey Carr this morning, completely randomly and to no one in particular, 'I'm so proud of you'. Proud of whom for what exactly? Proud of the fact that no one was buying the ring she was flogging?! During the next item (horrid opal ring), in amongst the 'I can't believe it's gone to £699, it...
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    Adina Vs. Jeff

    I haven't watched her in ages but caught her yesterday, stunned into that ludicrous open mouthed silence that she employs, by a price which she kept quoting as the first payment price. At no point did she say 'and you can get it home for' (which is a nasty little obfuscation in itself IMO) she...
  11. H

    QVC is not alone....

    Boden? I bought a simple but beautifully cut dress from them for a posh event last year and truly, at 5'2, knocking on a bit and a size 16 I was in despair of finding anything that wasn't frilly, frumpy, puff sleeved and poorly cut. I had the lovely experience of people complimenting me on my...
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    Sarah Bennett

    I don't think you are alone in your opinion of 'Joy & Pain' Deasmum! After all - despite S.B's staggering bank-rolling of it, it didn't appear to make much of a mark. I'm guessing that SB would prefer that all trace of it be erased. I find it laughable that SB was then reincarnated as a...
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    Masai Copenhagen TSV 11/4/22

    I'm massively into Scandinavian design and so I thought this brand might be my kind of thing.... but seriously? £143.46 & 3.95 p&P for an oversized cotton dress! When even teeny-tiny brand rep. Kerrie looks like she's wearing a sack, what hope is there for the rest of us?
  14. H

    Sarah Bennett

    Just discovered SB's previous incarnation as 'Angelle' where SB spent squillions on air time in an attempt to launch her as a pop star. I know!!! I heard that too! It's a delicious piece of gossip! Apparently, there was...
  15. H

    Normal service resumes Friday….

    Am I alone in being surprised that Annelise and Ophelia are being lumped together as a unit for criticism? I find their presenting styles very different from each other. I'm with Bunnytown, they're young people finding their feet in a new job. I have no doubt that I did some eyebrow raising...
  16. H

    Do people really like John Scott

    Wasn't he on Rocks&Co. back in the day and spent the entire time chatting with the gallery?
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    Fashion Fridays

    Surely Steve Bennett must recognise that continuing to devalue his brand by flogging more and more market stall tat must devalue his brand to the point where it joins the rest of the jumble sale channels? I have to out myself here and say that I have never bought from a shopping channel, I use...
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    In light of recent events..

    That's a very good point. I'm wondering if their hand will be forced anyway by sanctions.
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    Cringeworthy Presentation

    I so agree. What makes them think that men in suits shouting incomprehensibly over the presenters encourages viewers to buy? They obviously haven't thought this through. Why employ Presenters, trained to speak clearly and then add buyers into the mix to gabble over them? I feel great sympathy...
  20. H

    Affordable luxury?

    I see it as cheap tat! I really don't get small, poor quality stones in over-worked, old fashioned settings being described as 'affordable luxury'. There's nothing luxurious about cheap and nasty.