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  1. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    really??? ouch! that's not patronising at all is it? now what do I mean by patronising? well, it's talking down to somebody! :smirk:
  2. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Good post PP, I totally agree, I think 'bumbling Uncle Peter' is a very cleverly cultivated persona created to appeal to a certain demographic but we shouldn't be fooled by it. I believe there's a very hard, calculating diva lurking underneath. IMO he's a complex character who is as sharp as a...
  3. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Yes, and when DW says Gollum wears them six days a week and twice on Sundays that's exactly what DW means He doesn't take them off to wash them!
  4. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I think this is by far the most important issue here I'm now quite disturbed by the thought of Mike's pants No, no, I can't talk about this any more *goes off to find a support group to help*
  5. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    awww, now I just feel queasy! :puke:
  6. deedee

    Thoughts/Opinions on Bid rebrand

    haha! very witty steveh31, I like your style! :mysmilie_15:
  7. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    ooh Wirral, you know I have a fetish for you in your diamond gimpy mask go on.......for me????!!!!! :cheeky::blush:
  8. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    M&M is to pitied really for these very reasons How can someone so uncouth be defended? Gollum pretends he's being respectful to women (he said something to that effect tonight when selling a top) but how can someone who says the things he does have any respect? It's not funny but I think, in his...
  9. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    really??? that's absolutely disgusting as you say, the fact that he would state something like that to the public is appalling, the man continually finds new vile lows to sink to he knows what we write about him and I appreciate we're not particularly important to him but I would've thought he...
  10. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    mr tom I have a confession to make I've watched Bod several times recently and he's been hilarious! He's shown a great sense of humour - ok, he's not god's gift to women as Gollum believes he is, he's not god's gift to perfumery as Schlock believes he is, neither is he god's gift to lapidary as...
  11. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Yep, I absolutely could Chad, I do it every day, it's my job and I'm fairly articulate Now, what do I mean by articulate? well, allow me to's being able to talk sense if you will!
  12. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    ok, so am I missing something or are Bid just becoming a mainstream shopping channel? radical? innovative? not really! sorry Bid!
  13. deedee


    come on Paul, you can do this, I know you can, dig deep, find that inner strength, you've got to be there with us
  14. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    ooh me too Pola I'm super excited! I notice runty Ryes is in the other studio part so they must be doing fantastically radical, exciting things to the main Bid studio I've run out of rescue remedy so I'm off to make a cup of soothing chamomile tea!
  15. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    well I hope the excitement isn't too much for her Muttley, I'd hate to think your poor mum ended up having a Bid induced relapse, bless her! and, on a serious note, I hope your mum is ok Muttley xx
  16. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I just can't settle either *paces relentlessly with Pola* only 2 hours to go
  17. deedee


    nah mate, that's tonights products he's picking up on his way in, it's their new business model! :mysmilie_15:
  18. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    mr tom I think Jason was referring to a person he had a meeting with today rather than a presenter heaven forbid poor Jason actually met someone in real life more annoying than DP, at least he can turn DP off!:mysmilie_17:
  19. deedee

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I saw some Bid today Jason and it was all single prices I heard Schlock and Andrea say 'we're giving you one price and one price only' That was certainly the case with the bits I saw
  20. deedee


    I'm thankful for this thread stunning!, I need it, I need to say these things I have such mixed feelings - the main one is anxiety, I'm scared Bid will be no more then what will I do for car crash tv? (I know it's not just about me) but my revulsion at some of their tactics (and DP in...