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  1. sweetpea

    Mother Kardash

    Who the blimmin' heck are these kardashian people??? I have seen their names mentioned a number of times but I have no idea who they are!Am I so behind the times? Are they important or summat?:wonder: And why is the parents' surname Jenner?:confused: Why do I always think of Star Trek when I...
  2. sweetpea

    Butler & Wilson

    Erm.......*whispers*.....I quite like the skulls!!!:blush: Maybe it's my inner rockchick lol
  3. sweetpea

    I've had fun today

    They look very pretty,Argey............I especially like the one with the square jobbies for some reason,well funky!!:rock: Nice to see ya back 'n all....enjoy!!:nod:
  4. sweetpea

    Would You Leave the House Without Make-up?

    Life is strange.............when I was a young I could spend hours applying me face when the truth was I really didn't need all that I am older and me face is falling apart by the hour I can't be ar$ed:grin: Fortunately now it's the summer(allegedly) I have a bit of colour in my...
  5. sweetpea

    Debbie Flint's Partner - Nigel.

    God is called Nigel!! :wonder:
  6. sweetpea

    Something I didn't understand today ...

    It does rather imply that.........if I am honest Angeline has really got on my nerves today,she was in overdrive BS mode and what annoyed me the most was her constantly going on about top grade quality in regards to ruby earrings that,for the price,are most obviously fissure filled!!:angry: In...
  7. sweetpea

    Exploitation of female presenters?

    As me Monster-in-law always says......................Why cultivate on yer face what grows wild on yer arse??!!!:devil:
  8. sweetpea

    Voucher Codes

    No Sacha,still showing 'in progress' for me :( C'mon Gems.......I wants me jooooooolzz lol
  9. sweetpea

    Voucher Codes

    I wondered who had snaffled that moonlight topaz!!!:envy::cheeky: There one minute and gone the next........snooze you lose lol Well done Argey,fabulous haulage:clapping:
  10. sweetpea

    A Question

  11. sweetpea

    Gatineau TSV 7/3/10

    No wonder they were tight lipped about this's very dull!:(
  12. sweetpea

    Kyanite Ring

    What a lot of ring for such little's very pretty Klos :) I agree.......your best piccies to date:mysmilie_696:
  13. sweetpea

    Crosses - opinions please

    I used to wear a cross when I was at school,as I went to a C of E school it was the only item of jewellery permitted! I am not particularly religious either though,and don't wear crosses nowadays,though in saying that I have a fab one I got from New Look a few years ago which I wear now and...
  14. sweetpea

    Blah Blah Blah

    Sorry are right! I have got incensed by what I see as an attack on one of the nice people around here!
  15. sweetpea

    Blah Blah Blah

    Exactly!! Marie was commenting on the moaners,the ones whose sole intention seems to be to cause unrest and is creating ill feeling both here and in chat,so why pick on her?? Why read a forum of a company you don't buy from? Why bother contributing to these threads in the first place? Why wade...
  16. sweetpea

    Blah Blah Blah

    What a helpful,friendly and constructive post Miss 'master of the roll eyes smilie'!! From one longstanding member to another as well,I expected better from you :( Very disappointed,not that it will bother you much I know!!! ps.....dunno what has happened in 2010 but I agree with Marie,too...
  17. sweetpea

    You will go to the ball!

    They are truly 'gopping'...(a made up word I often use to describe the hideous!!) The only red carpet I ever tread is when I have drunk too much red wine and have vomited on said flooring in a drunken stupour!!:mysmilie_17: I am a classy bird!!!
  18. sweetpea

    For Our Daz

    Hey Daz Sorry to hear that you're not well,'s hoping that you get better soon and back chatting in the madhouse that is St and Rocks:mysmilie_12: .........and yer footie team is also rubbish at the mo too:mysmilie_17:,mind you,so is has a way of kicking you in...
  19. sweetpea

    Honora - Too much hype!

    Perfectly spherical pearls are indeed beautiful and classic but I also love the different shaped pearls that are offered to us as well......ovals,ringed,baroque,keshi etc etc some great looks can be created from these that keep my jewellery wardrobe interesting and it's usually these that get...
  20. sweetpea

    how is this different

    May I just add a note of support here for my friend PR,and also apologise for my ill considered post earlier in this thread. I feel that an awful lot of assumptions have been made here tbh. I have not been on chat as much as I used to be and jokingly asked a friend for gossip,goodness knows...