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  1. R

    Glass pearls

    Dunno if I'm right, but I'd sort of assumed 'freshwater pearls' were a glass bead, placed inside a mussel for a couple of days to acquire a waffer-thin coating of pearl, then dipped in dye....? Selling black glass as haematite, now that's TOTALLY unacceptable!
  2. R

    I don't believe it!!

    The low point for me was an agate keyring like you'd get in a seaside tat shop...
  3. R

    Brazilian Alexandrite - New Collection

    I worship Alexandrite. Alas, can't afford the real thing, but I have some 'faux' stones that are fun for the colour change. Some treated lab-grown sapphires that go from pale teal green, through violet, to a spectacular blood-red in the right lighting conditions. Only cost a few £ on eBay and...
  4. R


    Oh, that's disappointing. You see those simulated stones in any old high street jeweller. I cringe every time I see tjc selling shell, or that ghastly dyed agate. What next? Bags of gravel from the garden centre, drilled and made into bracelets? Fimo. They haven't done Fimo yet.
  5. R

    TJC evenings on Freeview?

    Same here. I have no idea what happened. I wish they'd stop messing about like this!
  6. R

    TJC Summer Tea Party 2011

    Sounds fantastic, wish I could've been there!
  7. R

    So beautiful!

    I haven't bought from Rocks (and really can't afford to buy anything at all just now!) but I love their 'Colours of Life' ranges. Love multi gem stuff, when the colours are well chosen. Yum!
  8. R

    Karis collection

    I can't get worked up about it either way. At least they are upfront about what they're selling, and it enables people to get a nice big real gemstone at a sensible price. I think it's fine if you want something sparkly to wear for a party or whatever. Some of my favourite tjc stuff has been...
  9. R

    Vicky's Back

    I'm so pleased to see her back. I had no idea she'd been so ill. Stay well, Vicky, and welcome back!
  10. R

    Please stop

    The egg full of gem chips reminded me of those glass lighthouses full of layered sand you used to get at the seaside... just don't shake it up! Okay, I've discovered my personal bottom limit. AGATE KEY RINGS! Please! Is this a jewellery channel or a cheap tat shop???
  11. R

    Presenters - What is happening?

    Well, I saw Vicky B on Gems a couple of days ago - thought I was hallucinating - what is going on? Don't watch Gems much because it was off Freeview for so long, and their presenters get on my nerves... must admit VB was FANTASTIC compared to the other presenters I've seen, and I never thought...
  12. R

    67 grand spare?

    Holy crap! I suppose it might work in a tiara! I once saw what was claimed to be the biggest tanzanite ever faceted - 242 carats - in a museum. It was set in a diamond and tsavorite tiara. Very nice but who would ever wear such a thing? Even on Kate Middleton going up the aisle it would look a...
  13. R

    Liz zzzzzzzzzz Fuller

    Ha ha, I haven't seen her for ages but my hub called her 'Miss Mozamibique' because she was always referring to MOZAMIBIQUE garnet (or whatever). Oh, and 'SALON' sapphire was another one.
  14. R

    Topaz - is it me, or TJC?

    Hmmmm... so I'm not imagining it, then? IMO, because topaz colours are enhanced and distinctive, if you buy something described as 'Swiss' or 'London', you should know exactly what you're getting. And it's hardly a rare stone. So why, why would they start misrepresenting the colours? Do they...
  15. R

    Topaz - is it me, or TJC?

    Am I going nuts? Or have TJC started describing pale blue topaz, that I've previously seen called sky blue or baby blue, as SWISS blue? To me, Swiss blue topaz is a really vibrant, rich colour. I have a ring and pendant (bought from TJC a couple of years ago), that I absolutely love, to prove...
  16. R

    Wouldn't It Be Superb.....

    I'm liking Sarah Lou more and more. She's likeable, natural, and manages to sell stuff without talking b*llocks, or bouncing off the walls like a hyperactive child who's overdosed on espresso. (Actually I'm not referring to Stacey here... I'll say no more). Chl"COUGH!"oe
  17. R

    Apatite frenzy - and some other bits...

    WOW! I love apatite. (All I have is a bracelet which I adore - I can't wear it at the mo cos a stone fell out and I need to get it repaired...) The one that looks like an eye, with the green ap in the middle and neon ap either side? I love that! I remember it being on, but I missed out. Still...
  18. R

    More Horrible Stuff!!

    Gah! You got in before me with that joke!
  19. R

    So wot u all think of J Francis then?

    AAARGH! Talking of chippings - I saw advertised a necklace made of shell pieces along the lines of 'Over 100 carats of shell.' 100 carats of SHELL pieces! Come ON! What next, gravel by the carat?
  20. R

    So wot u all think of J Francis then?

    Quite like it (the J Francis I mean)... nothing screamed 'buy me', but there was a nice little mystic topaz ring with Russian Diopside (I think) and I liked the peridot crabs and the emerald lizard. Funny, I don't really 'do' green gems so I don't know why I was attracted to all the greens...