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  1. persianglitter

    James Russell is rubbish - in my opinion

    :mysmilie_348: Noticed that he has had a shave! didnt recognise him without without the face fungus! Still waves his hands around, like a windmill in a hurricane! I do think he should be given a puppet!- he would be excellent on the Sooty and Sweep show! But wot i dunt understand is - are...
  2. persianglitter

    shame on you, people who hate basso and yet eat meat and wear leather

    I am not a hypercrite - i have been to a chicken factory - and have every respect for what a chicken has to go through, so you can have it for your sunday roast! The final year at our school, we had career options, and someone really thoughtful, thought we may actually enjoy a day out to the...
  3. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    I got cream for it! lol (the yellow danglers!!) :mysmilie_61:
  4. persianglitter

    Could someone put me out of my misery

    :mysmilie_348: i have posted a picture of my earrings, if you wanted to have a look - on my posting Good news from Casa La Persianglitter - so if you want a quick shufty they are on there for you - mind you, wouldnt believe the palava I had, had to ask my husband to help me to put the picture...
  5. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    I dont mind you posting a picture of your earrings at all - your green ones are nice - set the same as my drusy quartz - i like earrings with a bit of dangle - the Tanzanite earrings are cute, but are a bit small, mind you, they would look nice in the top part of your lobe, if you had 3...
  6. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    Hope this works ... oh it does - only you will have to crane your necks - lucky for me, had the old man at home who knows how to do this ... me i havent a scooby doo! lol xx
  7. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    Hi I have just been on TJC to try and verify this order numbers - but it keeps coming up as not found. I have tried to click on to the earrings, and silver jewellery - but that comes up as an error - im going to try and do something - need the help of me old man - see if he can help.
  8. persianglitter

    Loose stones on the website

    my favourite is a cheese and onion, baguette! :mysmilie_61: used to make cracking baguettes in t'co-op!!! :mysmilie_61:
  9. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    If you all would bear with me - I will get a photo - but the person with the camera that can do it on his digital camera - (no 1 son ) he has gone back to work - and I will not be seeing him until the end of January - as he has gone with his mess mates to belgium (and taken camera with him) so...
  10. persianglitter


    From how I read it, Lee was NOT calling the caller's cringe worthy - he was merely stating that some of the conversations between the presenter (s) and callers was a bit cringe worthy - you know the awkward silences, and scratching around to find a common ground to raise a conversation on! Oh...
  11. persianglitter

    Good news from Casa Las Persianglitter

    Just thought I raise a post - I have received my order today - and my earrings were worth the wait. I would like to thank Miles from CS, who replied to my email I sent yesterday, he took the time to ring me yesterday afternoon and let me know what the situation was. I must admit, I take back...
  12. persianglitter

    Could someone put me out of my misery

    I most certainly have it arrived just before 1.45 today - P A R T Y !!!!
  13. persianglitter

    A 'Solitary' Plea to TJC!

    If it is meant with intent your spleen to vent the pronounciation is MARQUEE............. its a posh tent!!! lol (c) :mysmilie_17:
  14. persianglitter


    :mysmilie_348: I have to agree with Reddwarf here - having read Lee's posting, he was making an observation not slagging anyone off! I know exactly what Lee means, as I happened to be watching the other day when it was Steve Bennett and that young lad (really lovely hair, and he is always...
  15. persianglitter

    What is it with TJC?

    Last week I sent them 3 emails asking them to contact me ASAP, please - possibly by 10 am - no dice! so i ended up ringing them - they did email me back 2 days later - but it was only to confirm that i had spoken with a member of cs. I am getting more than a little cheesed off with them, I...
  16. persianglitter

    Could someone put me out of my misery

    Hi Greenie - i have just checked order tracking again - and it still states in the shipping info - Your order was dispatched. You get it soon. !!!! and i cant gleam any further information - as when i attempt to click on that bit, my computer blocks it - but yes, its now 11th January 2010 - and...
  17. persianglitter

    James Russell is rubbish - in my opinion

    :mysmilie_348: I do not see this as being a "Flame" thread! I have read more caustic and vitrolic, spiteful remarks on msn news - where the reader can post comments. I am sorry, but imoho to most people James Russell is a marmite moment, you either love him, or you dont! I am afraid I dont...
  18. persianglitter

    Could someone put me out of my misery

    I give up!!! I am still waiting for these blooming earrrings to turn up!! Although have a feeling, when they do finally show up - i will have lost all interest in them - if you see what i mean - grief, sometimes it would be quicker to have gone to Argos instead - i tell you what next time i will...
  19. persianglitter

    why do people love TJC?

    I wouldnt say that I LOVE TJC - I watch the majority of the jewellery channels now across the board on sky - i do not have any alligences to any in particular - although I do like Rockstv, they are quite good, their delivery service is brillaint, and FAST, and everything you do, is backed up...
  20. persianglitter

    "how to buy"

    Why dear fellow, I had been buying from Gems since March 2007 - sometimes i wished i never knew how to shop! Its simples!!! presss 1 for live customer service action (and hope you do get someone who does talk! - or 3 to go through to a vocal robot! I havent bought anything from gems since the...