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  1. R

    Steve Whatley

    No you are not sad scary. I really miss Steve. It is so very sad to think how lonely he must have felt. I really looked forward to his shows, especially Crazeee Christmas! There are several times I purchased things, when he was presenting, that I would never have considered buying normally...
  2. R

    Derek Marks

    You and me both :heart:! xx
  3. R

    Derek Marks

    Hi Julie, Lovely to see you back, so sorry you have had problems, but good to see everyone ok now. It is great to have Derky back isn't it :happy:
  4. R

    Derek Marks

    :hi: I wondered if that was you Sue when I heard Derek read out the text! So nice to have him back, and here's hoping it will be for a long time!
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    Derek Marks

    Woo hoo! Diddy Derek is back :happy: :sun:
  6. R

    charlie vernon???

    I wondered where the lovely Alan had gone :wonder:. Unbelievable - first Barry, now Alan. Bad move Gems :down: Watching less and less now, and the thump, thump "music" is still banging on :down:
  7. R

    Nice to see people copy us .... Especially when they get it wrong

    I thought I was the only one watching with the sound of-which as you say is ridiculous! The heartbeat is really really irritating and it does my head in. Even the "thump, thump music" they play with each auction seems to get faster and louder :angry:! Cannot watch any of the female presenters...
  8. R

    Where's Jim?

    Havent seen Jim for a while, looked at TJC's web and his photo is no longer there :thinking:. Hope he hasnt left as he is one of my fav presenters. Does anyone know if he has left? Seems to be far too many female presenters on TJC now, if the web page is anything to go by - only Derek and...
  9. R

    Gems Extra presenter?

    Yes she was on IW, did the false nails as well.
  10. R

    Lee Clarke is back

    I am really pleased to see Lee back :clapping:, but like you say Graham, why is Barry not on our screens any more? Did I miss something, as I thought he had left as I hadn't seen him for ages. Not that I watch a lot of Gems now. The music is so irritating and coupled with the manic...
  11. R

    Where's Ian??

    I have been wondering if Ian had left, so I looked on TJC's "our presenters" list, and he is not there! Mr Badger's Bum's :giggle: pic is though :frown:.
  12. R

    Nigel on The Weakest Link

    I wondered as well if anyone had seen Nigel on The Weakest Link. Didnt he do well :clapping: ! Well done Nigel! :hi:
  13. R

    Breath Adina !

    I am afraid I can only watch her for a couple of minutes, leaves me feeling exhausted :sweat:!
  14. R

    Is Deano Back?

    Deano is the lovely Dean Wilson. He used to be a presenter on Ideal World - one of the best presenters IMHO! Left a while back (not by his own choosing I might add-big mistake by IW at the time :emo:!). But hopefully now he is back where he belongs :clapping:!
  15. R

    Is Deano Back?

    Was channel hopping yesterday and saw Deano with Debbie :clapping:. Is he back, or was it a "one of"? Hope he is back, might start watching Ideal World again!
  16. R

    "new Rocks TV set"

    That's a really good idea argey :clapping: ! Comparing the sets on Gems and Jewelry Maker, they are so much brighter than Rocks is at the moment. And as you say Sazza, the set is too cramped. Why can't the bit behind the presenters be pushed further back? With the small space and dark wall...
  17. R

    Gem Collector

    Tuned in as I hadnt seen Barry for a while, and I like his style of presenting, but didnt watch for long as I cant stand the music :headbang:! Pointless watching with the sound down!
  18. R

    Who are the new presenters?

    Thanks for that Sazza, thought she was the Rio Nails lady! Don't remember Emma, but I am fairly new to Rocks. Glad Barry is still around :clapping:, he Matt, Rod and Alan are my fav male presenters!
  19. R

    Who are the new presenters?

    Just switched on and thought I had strayed in to Ideal World :confused: ! Sure the woman on now has been on IW. There was another female presenter on yesterday who I have not seen before. If they are new presenters, seems there are too many females now! Need more male presenters :wink: ...
  20. R

    Ruth Linnett GONE!

    I was really surprised to see Ruth on Gems yesterday! Agree with you Phill, I always enjoy watching Ruth. Wish her screen "husband" Derek Marks would come back! Slightly off topic, I cannot bear to see the Christmas tree in the studio! :headbang: Let's enjoy summer whilst its still here!