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  1. R

    New Presenters- Not impressed

    Hi Tabs, I really agree with you. The first time she was on I could only watch for a few minutes. I also had the misfortune of tuning in when she was wearing, or not wearing that top. Think she is much more suited to presenting on Gems! Even with a top that fits, I will definately not be...
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    Tea bags

    Had to read that several times Argy!! Tea bags!! I dont watch this channel, but feel really tempted to watch now :happy: ! xxxxx
  3. R

    Gem "Art"(?)

    Hi Argey, I dont watch this channel, but I am intrigued by the "Gem Art"! I do arts and crafts, but as you say, this sounds like something children would do! I will have to watch now! xxxx
  4. R

    Vicki Browne

    I also did not know what poor Vicki has been through. What an inspirational lovely lady she is. I also wish her all the best with the scan, and for the future xx
  5. R

    Who is Abby Sturgeon now on Extra?

    Think, though not too sure, Ian Gardener is now doing something in America. Love Lee, he was my favourite presenter on TJC (that position has now been taken by the lovely Derek Marks!). Dont see Lee much on Gems, as I cant watch Gems with the sound on! He is wasted on that channel IMHO! As...
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    Who is Abby Sturgeon now on Extra?

    Hi Meeshoo, she was on Ideal World, and when they did the Jewellery Vault, plus a stint on The Jewellery Channel. Even saw her in my local Tesco's the other day doing a commercial! She has been around! Agree she is really very loud!!
  7. R

    Naughty TJC!!!

    Hi Argey, if it is a genuine error, they are making the same error again today :wink:!!
  8. R

    Naughty TJC!!!

    Yes it is £2.95 for the low cost ones. I think the capped price of £4.95 is brilliant, but to charge £4.95 P&P on an item costing £1.95 did not seem right to me. A bit of "kidolgogy" going on there if you know what I mean! I think it would have been more "honest" of them to have charged £3.95...
  9. R

    Naughty TJC!!!

    Take on board what you say, but to my knowledge they have never done this before, and once again it is just my opinion, I did not think it was the "lowest priced item", when clearly it wasnt. Why make the P&P £4.95 on just that one item? Perhaps I missed the point! I'll get me coat!!
  10. R

    Naughty TJC!!!

    :taphead: Cannot believe what just happened on TJC! Noush was selling a shell bracelet for £1.95, great bargain I thought, until I clocked the P&P for £4.95! Noush said that if you had already bought an item today than the "all day" P&P was already covered. Well, if like me the bracelet is...
  11. R

    Favourite (and not) presenters!

    I agree about Leoni, really like watching when she is on. Love her demos :clapping:. Also love watching gorgeous Deano and lovely Nigel. Afraid I am with the majority re Genevieve, have tried to watch when she is on, but cannot stand her for more than 5 minutes, sorry!
  12. R

    Steve's hands

    I dont watch a lot of Gems TV, mainly because of the loud thumping "music", but I do agree with you PJ about Steve's hands. Very of putting, not a good look when selling jewellry! Must say though, Alan always has very nice looking hands, I can usually tell who the presenters are by just seeing...
  13. R

    Please please please......change the record!

    Totally agree with you Sacha. I have tried watching on many occasions with the sound right down, but then that defeats the object as I want to listen to what the presenters are saying! This has been mentioned so many times in different posts, and it just shows, in my opinion, that they do not...
  14. R

    Have TJC got technical problems?

    Did what you suggested loobi - it worked!! All back to normal now :giggle:
  15. R

    Have TJC got technical problems?

    Watching TJC and the picture is very jerky, and Debbie's voice is not in sync with her mouth - all other channels are okay. And no, I haven't been on the vino :thinking:!
  16. R

    Unlucky break!

    Wondered why Derek was on the morning shift. Poor Chloe, that must be so painful. :sad:
  17. R

    TJC not on at the moment.

    At the moment they have on the screen a notice apologising for the loss of programme. And to check the website. Earlier on they had the website address as! See that they have now changed it to! Probably off air cos gorgeous Derky is of on his hols :heart:, and they...
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    Couldn't agree with you more mitziemog! I really enjoying watching C&C when he is on.
  19. R

    Derek Marks

    Thanks for that argey. I was hoping Derek would be on a lot more than he has been! Let's hope he is on a lot more after March! xxxxxxxxx
  20. R

    Derek Marks

    Does anyone know when Derek is on TJC next? Haven't seen him for a few days now.