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  1. F

    Help! Tablet or Laptop?

    Looking for advice re tablet or laptop. I am finally thinking of going online at home and don't know whether to go for a tablet or a laptop. I really just want to be able to email and use Google and Facebook and be able to buy online. The more options I look at the more confused I get. SIL...
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    Wiggy Chloe

    I haven't watched this Chloe person yet. Not really watching much QVC these days - it's just so boring. However, I did catch a glimpse of Pippa with her "new" hairdo and thought she looked good.
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    L'Occitane 12-Hour Online-Only Sale 08/02/2013

    Unfortunately I'm working.:(
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    I only ever watched it for about 5 minutes and fortunately didn't get into it which is probably a good thing. The snippet I saw seemed pretty gruesome. I'll give it a miss and maybe try and catch up on my unwatched Montalbano!
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    L'Occitane 12-Hour Online-Only Sale 08/02/2013

    I saw that and was extremely tempted by the Immortelle perfume. I know I shouldn't buy blind when it comes to perfume but it gets good reviews. I pulled out at the last minute. The Immortelle hand cream gets good reviews too. I must resist temptation. I must, I must!
  6. F

    My new kitchen - Birds of a Feather grey, or The Good Life brown?!

    It all sounds very exciting, ArtDeco. I had a new kitchen put in about 7/8 years ago but it was really just replacing old units - not much in the way of redesign. Of course, I had a teeny budget but I do like the colours - cream cupboards with black handles and black speckled worktops (would...
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    My birthday

    Belated birthday wishes, SB! Never been to Galgorm but I believe it's lovely. Your daughter looks fabulous and should be proud of her achievement!
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    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    I like Archie and Lily. Names that end in "ee" are definitely good!
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    Warning - Rant! (IBS/Food/Ingredients)

    Wittle-arse - never heard that one before but I like it! :)
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    Brazilian Keratin hair treatments

    Yes, ILS, it last 100 days+ so it does what it says on the tin. However, it does not make your hair dead straight but it defo reduces the frizzies and just makes it easier to look after. Only thing is, it strips the colour out of your hair but you can apply a colour immediately after...
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    Warning - Rant! (IBS/Food/Ingredients)

    Just came across this thread today as well. I really do feel for all of you and my problems are probably quite minor compared to most of yours but they can cause so much embarrassment and inconvenience. I have never actually been diagnosed with anything and I reckon the fact that I'm still...
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    Brazilian Keratin hair treatments

    I had Kebelo done last August at an introductory price of £75 but it has now gone up to £120 and I don't know if I can bring myself to have it done again. Great treatment but it's a lot of money although I don't go to hairdressers too often and colour it myself. Maybe in a couple of months.
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    Borgen - Series2

    Just realised, somewhat belatedly, that Hans Christian Thorsen was played by Theis Birk Larsen!!!!! There is a third and final series of Borgen to come - bring it on!
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    1st Delivery

    I think I paid for it, silly me!
  15. F


    I think I used that Patio Magic stuff or something very similar. It was quite effective on the front path although could probably do with another session soon. It worked very well around the bin area at the back and that has stayed clean for ages so would recommend.
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    Liz Earle is back selling "Liz Earle"...

    I know, it's such a commitment - 25 out of 365!
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    PPI calls

    Yes, the 30 second silence is usually a good giveaway. However, I sometimes get calls from friends living overseas but usually they would phone in the evening. I just say I can't talk at the moment and hang up. I know I registered once but maybe I need to do it again.
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    I was definitely better at looking after the house when I had 2 cats - I was always aware that people might think I was an old cat lady living in cat-pee squalor! However, much as I love a clean house I'm quite content to let things slip. I keep telling myself that as it's only me in the house...
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    1st Delivery

    The only thing I have bought from Rocks is an 18 ct gold chain and I must say I'm very pleased with it. Haven't taken it off since June. I also got the book - didn't mean to tick the box for it but decided to keep it anyway. It's a bit annoying when they include things and it's up to you to...
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    2013 Support thread

    Went to WW last night and have put my 3.5 lbs back on!!! I supposed I allowed people to spoil me last week so it's back to porridge now. Unfortunately, once you start treating yourself it's difficult to get back on track again. Hope everyone is surviving the cold weather.