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  1. F

    Ex QVC Presenters on the radio!

    How awful for you Julius. I remember when I lived in Israel most people had those doors with multiple locks (bars).
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    Britain's "favourite" firms

    My vote goes to Hotter shoes for excellent online service and customer support!
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    Hotter Duet shoes for sale

    I actually have them boxed and ready to go but then I panicked! Maybe I will - after all, I've bought quite a few pairs from them in the past. Thanks for your advice.
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    Hotter Duet shoes for sale

    I have worn them twice outside! I actually had a good look at the soles to see if they were marked and they look OK but I don't know if I could get away with it. Don't know why I bought them anyway - I feel about 85 I them!
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    Hotter Duet shoes for sale

    I recently bought a pair of Hotter Duet shoes for everyday wear. Normally I find Hotter shoes very comfy but unfortunately these ones are a bit narrow. Only worn briefly they are now up for sale. The are chocolate/metallic and a size 8 (regular width)...
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    2013 Support thread

    I haven't posted on here for ages. I haven't been very disciplined of late and the last 2 weeks have been disastrous. Haven't been to WW in ages either what with one thing and another. I really need to buckle down and put in a bit more effort. I'll be OK one day and then binge the next...
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    New Montalano

    Oooh thanks for this, Loveallthingsitalian, I do like a bit of Salvo Montalbano, although it will be strange seeing him being played by someone else.
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    Vionic tsv

    Well, I too love my purple crocs, original clog style. I bought them over a year ago and took them on holiday to Cannes. I have got to the stage in life where I don't worry about what other people think as much as I used to. Admittedly I wear them with long trousers/jeans but they are so...
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    Tropic Sun

    Oops, think I got the name wrong - it might just be called Tropic Skin!
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    Tropic Sun

    Don't know if this has been mentioned here before but I happened across the website for Tropic Sun products which was started by Susan Ma, former Apprentice hopeful. She does a cleanser with a bamboo facecloth for £15 (not sure about postage) which sounds very similar to another very popular...
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    2013 Support thread

    Sadly it's all about portion control, no getting away from the fact!
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    Les Miserables

    I have never seen a fully staged production of Les Mis but I just love and adore the music. Did see a concert performance in the Odyssey in Belfast quite a few years ago with Peter Corry and it was brilliant. Love the music so much and decided it was time to read the book - almost finished it...
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    What book are you reading?

    I love reading but sadly never remember what I've read half the time. In the middle of the final Wallander book - The Troubled Man. I have only read a couple of his but it's enough background info for me to thoroughly enjoy this one. I find his character very realistic and quite vulnerable...
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    2013 Support thread

    Went to WW last night for the first time in 8 weeks! Despite to short breaks I had put on only 1 pound (although I have to start paying again next week) so that wasn't as bad as I thought. It's such a struggle but I do feel better when I'm not carrying extra weight. Hoping everyone is coping...
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    sun, where are you?

    I used to be a sun worshipper and to some extent still am but I have been struggling with this heat all week and it's probably not as hot over here either. I think I might have hayfever or a summer cold but whatever it is I feel carp! Mind you, I'd be complaining if it was too cold as well!
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    2013 Support thread

    Oh Calvin, you traitor!!!! I haven't been to WW for quite a few weeks and am really struggling. I know I'm not much over my limit but it is so hard to cut down again. I have completely lost the plot and I know my portion sizes are one of my biggest problems. I do hear good reports about SW...
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    I spent last week in Bath - a beautiful city. It reminded me that there are so many places within the UK and Ireland that I have yet to visit.
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    My Grandma Bad News

    Sor sorry for your loss SWC. You were very close to your grandmother and it will take time to come to terms with losing her.
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    Payers for my mum

    So pleased to hear your good news. Wishing your mum good progress.
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    2013 Support thread

    This thread seems quiet at the moment. I have to say I haven't been to WW for the past 2 weeks but hopefully will be there next week. Rubbish intake is so-so at the moment. Too much temptation all around!