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  1. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Charlie Brook has confirmed on his blog that the TSV's are a choice of two bears, presumably the panda and polar bear that Sazza (i think) posted the pics up of previously.
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    The waiting is terrible isn't it:nod:
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    John Barrowman and Jill Franks

    Sorry to say but JF actually spoiled my listening to JB during last nights show..tainted the experience somewhat.
  4. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Most of them are kept in 4 large glass display units, with a few scattered around the place, one day i might get round to taking a pic :nod:
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Hi Tina, My first bear was bought for me in April 09 as a birthday pressie, so approx 18months collecting:blush:
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    New Presenter

    Good grief! Victoria Norris back at Gems?! I thought she was too high and mighty and up her own backside to go back to Gems. Can't stand the woman, won't be watching when she's on!
  7. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    I have 80+ Charlie bears now, I also have Woody, he's a great cuddler!
  8. Tabs

    New Charlie Bears Items

    I think the last three are from the latest Isabelle collections, and were aired on QVC very briefly on the last shows, and sold out within moments.
  9. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Topaz, The "liitle organics" are part of the new baby safe collection.... From the new catalogue.. "Little bears organics BABY SAFE collection are made entirely from 100% organically grown cotton and 100% recycled stuffing which is not only kind to the enviroment and kind to our little ones"...
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    I'm taking what they say with a pinch of salt...more likely they are hidden:giggle:
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Ive just phoned QVC, apparently there has been techie probs with the website:wonder:, if it is that, they say they will try resolve it within a couple of hours. However the Charlie bears organics animals have apparently all sold out allready:down:
  12. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Just been checking QVC website...only 2 Charlie bears are showing in stock....I wonder if they are loading up new ones.
  13. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Sorry SCW, I know i'm a mere amateur up to u:grin:. I saw your thread after i posted here.
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Charlie bears Ebony is in stock... Item number 759746 £133.32 altho her picture isn't showing up.
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    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    I've heard whispers that Oakley will be in stock at QVC before Christmas:bear:
  16. Tabs

    Those blanket things with arms in them

    I wouldn't say they are all tat, they also do some very good brands...Kickers, Regatta etc to name just a couple. Sure they have a few dodgy items but most of their stuff is pretty good and great value if you take into account the P&P.
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    Paul Evers

    Sorry but Paul Evers makes me channel hop very quickly! Its a shame because i find Adam quite watchable.
  18. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Hmmmmmmmm Back to the TSV...... I'm also on the Charlie Bears Facebook page....William has just said that it definately IS NOT a pair, but that you will not want to miss THEM....perhaps a trio, or choice of maybe? Very frustrating wait ahead i think lol
  19. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    Currently 88 including keyrings, with about another 10 on pre-order :blush: Favourites is a tricky one, Benedict and Toto, both smaller bears, Hazelnut-one of the 2010 collections, but also Haydn and Diesel ;) Sorry can't have just 1 favourite lol
  20. Tabs

    Charlie Bears TSV Tues 30th November

    I heard that too Ian, but i guess if QVC "demand" a pairing it woudn't be good business sense to say no.