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  1. G

    It's the Sit-up Bankruptcy Auction! Come and get the goodies!

    Put me down for half a dozen wide-angle car mirrors**...the one thing I regret not hearing one last time before they folded was Mason's rant against people wheeling trollies in supermarket car-parks. That particular bit of spiel always used to angry up his blood and make the veins on his...
  2. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Peter's a survivor, Merry...I'm sure he'll be fine, what with that CV of his !
  3. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I hope PS is more adept at filling in his Jobsearch log than he was at getting the labels straight on his stinks. They'll sanction you for not dotting an i or crossing a t these days.
  4. G

    Mark Ryes Radio 4 24/4/14 12noon

    I'm glad I didn't sit through 30 mins plus of You and Yours just to hear 3 minutes of the Pocket Sized. It really is Radio 4's daily equivalent of a hefty dose of Mogadon.
  5. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    He also perked up Peter for a few short weeks...the most animated I'd seen him in ages ! :mysmilie_13:
  6. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    There are thousands of potential suspects P.J. - disgruntled customers, suppliers who never got their money, studio staff who had to film him slathering his face in oil and gunk on a daily basis for travel expenses if they were lucky...
  7. G

    Peter has time to finish his book now

    Though from the comments in this interview with the Metro from 2009 it sounds like an exercise in getting back at old colleagues at his previous employers. It's funny that despite mentioning how wonderful and professional it was "when I was at the BBC" many a time when he was at Bid, he comes...
  8. G

    He's just happy to be working...

    I couldn't sleep last night (still on a high over our win against Chelsea), so got up and began to channel hop. There on the Jewellery Channel, just starting the graveyard shift (2 a.m. - 6 a.m.) on their 'Ruby Day', was Wiggy. Obviously as he's just recently joined the channel he doesn't have...
  9. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    We're probably not going to see the launch of his 10-stink sampler he had planned for next Xmas either...remind me nearer the time Wirral to have a peek in Home Bargains.
  10. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Looking back at that big lump of debt they disposed of a few weeks back, I wonder just how many suppliers they put in trouble by screwing them over in the last few years? How many of those millions went on paying the staff just to keep the whole creaky enterprise afloat? I wonder how many of the...
  11. G

    Before we disappear - Last thoughts - What's your bid experience?

    I was a viewer from about 2003, so was lucky to be around during the glory years. My mum bought towels and pans from them, I bought some of the better CD box sets (usually for no more than £10-13 all in). Greg Scott's shift was something you eagerly waited for...he was so unpredictable and...
  12. G

    What's Going On?

    Wow...if this is true and they really ran the company on those business models, no wonder they ended up £58m in the hole !
  13. G

    What's Going On?

    Nobody on here is revelling at the technical and backroom call-centre staff losing their jobs. It's the shystering presenters who were quite rightly the target of this forum's derision and scorn. For the good of the consumer, we're glad to see the back of 'em !
  14. G

    Worry Angels: symbolic of what was shambolic about Bid/Pricedrop

    Mason's TV career has been one unremitting stream of bullshit from beginning to end. I remember the faces he used to pull when he revealed the ludicrously obscure answers time and time again on that cheapjack quiz channel that used to employ him. Only a pathetic little chancer like him could...
  15. G

    So where will the presenters reappear?

    I came to this forum relatively late too, but many's the time I've been cheered up and honked with laughter at the posts on here. Just when you thought the channel couldn't sink any lower, they'd come up with something even more outrageous...the nadir was definitely the relaunch of Price Drop. I...
  16. G

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Maybe it's my ancient Freeview box, but here in the NE I'm just getting a black screen with the disembodied old Bid music burbling away in the background.
  17. G

    So where will the presenters reappear?

    "Strawberries ! Get yer strawberries here...pahhhhhnnnddd a punnet ! Laahhhverllly strawberries ! Come on ladies....lahhhverllly strawberries" ** **No prizes for guessing which presenter I reckon we'll be seeing at a local market before long...:mysmilie_14:
  18. G

    All new price drop

    Ena from Sturminster Newton? Someone trying too hard to be a bit quirky, I think !
  19. G

    All new price drop

    They have attained a new low in shopping TV - perfecting the art of selling nothing several times a day - but badly !
  20. G

    All new price drop

    This must be doing wonders for Ideal World, being associated with this lot of jokers. Surely they can see what a disaster the whole enterprise is?