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  1. Sacha

    Julia reveals health issue

    Just to add my best wishes to Julia, she does look and sound well in this evening's shows. I've always liked her voice, it has a nice pitch and very good clarity.....even though she does say 'numbah' instead of number. :tongue: I heard her say earlier that she would be a 'guest' on Monday's...
  2. Sacha

    Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.

    Good grief, you should become a private investigator.....tracking down the info on that link.
  3. Sacha

    Bracelet - Jill Franks

    Could it not be a bit risky handing over your payment card details? Not sure I'd be prepared to take that chance!
  4. Sacha

    Well hello

    Can we have a 'chuckle' button please? :happy:
  5. Sacha

    Well hello

    Ah, is that where they are! Welcome back mrsm, you've changed your avatar from 'smelling the coffee one". You and Mommabear are welcome to be as naughty as you like....loved the humour between the both of you. :nod:
  6. Sacha

    Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.

    That's risky, he might put up one like this........
  7. Sacha

    Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.

    A lot of unpleasantness is purportedly passed off as 'humour'. But as said earlier, if you disagree, then suddenly things get serious! Personally speaking, what bothers me more (than MB or JF) is the sight of that 'instrument of torture'......the aero Pilates machine! :eek:
  8. Sacha

    gold prices

    Sad but very likely true. Though 'last clicks' can throw up a bargain or two sometimes. The link below shows how bullion prices have fluctuated over the past three years. Well below the highs of 2011 and seemingly levelling off....a bit!
  9. Sacha

    Will we ever get an apple TSV?

    Just checking out today's TSV on the US site and it looks like they've added a hefty premium for those extras and also mention that its a reduced price! Looks like fleecing customers is not restricted to just these shores! Link below...
  10. Sacha

    Your Fashion Brand Name

    Don'tcha mean 'Ooooopussss'?
  11. Sacha

    The Winter of 62/63 memories

    Now I feel old! In the fifth form at school and about to do O levels, we would have been doing the mock exams very early '63. My school was a good few miles from home and recall many occasions trudging there and back in feet of snow. Even once on March 1st, St David's Day, when we were allowed...
  12. Sacha

    Charlie Bears - Wincing while watching!

    I did wonder, it's very well known in the north and you may have to queue outside just to get a table. However there's also another popular fish restaurant in Whitby, opposite the train station, called Trenchers. More modern and they did use to have Molton Brown toiletries in their posh...
  13. Sacha

    Pope resigns. Smell a rat anyone?

    It seems more to do with the mental and physical stamina required for the role of Bishop of Rome. Pope Benedict has seemed rather frail for some time and has been advised by doctors to do no more long distance travelling. I watched with interest his visit to the UK a couple of years ago and...
  14. Sacha

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Completely lacking originality, but as they're related......whatever relevance that has?......Jack and Jill? Or my first thought...Tammy and Tommy.
  15. Sacha

    Old jewellery brands that used to be on QVC...

    Funny you should say that. Charlie's 'slow reveal' in Destination Gems was a silver hourglass pendant filled with half a carat've guessed it......diamond dust...
  16. Sacha

    Old jewellery brands that used to be on QVC...

    That would be as mentioned above the Black Hills by Coleman, Rapid City, Dakota. Sadly they stopped selling this range late 2011, but the clearance sale was a good 'un. :nod: A link to their website below..... As suggested by Minim...
  17. Sacha

    Another New Presenter

    Yep, first impressions for me are good based on the earlier Clarks shoes hour, a calm, clear and competent presentation imho. :nod: But I have no idea who she actually is!
  18. Sacha

    Richard III

    Thanks for the heads up Frazzled, I may well have missed it as there's also something on BBC2 and Lewis on iTV. One of them will have to be viewed an hour later. I saw a bit about this excavation on telly and they were interviewing his latest descendant. Richard 111 was raised fairly local to...
  19. Sacha

    Kindle top 100 free

    Hiya, I've not deleted any full books just the downloaded samples. To do this press the down cursor until there's a line under the book you want removed, then press the the right cursor which then takes you to a new page. Look down the list of options till you see Delete, select it by...
  20. Sacha


    Hi Sparkles, it is a minefield buying Tanzanite as what they describe on the telly can be way off the truth. My only fairly recent purchase of Tanzy from GTV under the helm of the Bennets was a ring classed as AA+ and it turned out to be anything but. Paler than the palest Aquamarine it was...