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    Finally - Milano Bracelet - Oh Dear Me!!

    Hi Sarah Hope you had a good xmas! anymore news as to when you are online again? I typed in and managed to speak to live helps sophie and also to see Andrew had said hello in chat to try it out, but unfortunately no one can sign in as yet... We are all missing our bling fix please...
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    James Russell is rubbish - in my opinion

    I totaly agree Graham & mummybear "My sentiments exactly mummy bear and a total arrogant and rude one at that.:mysmilie_697:
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    wishing you all Merry Christmas

    "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all at Rockstv... Mirabelle xx
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    Are Rocks & Co the First Casualties?

    "Roll on the launch of going live on sky 647 on January 5th 2010... The Bennetts are going to be some serious competition!!!! Mirabelle xx
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    Rocks and Co to leave Sky Platform

    Makes perfect sense to me why they are leaving the sky platform... "They must know they will never be able to compete with Steve Bennett's prices and new channel 647 which will go live in January 2010... Gemstv next maybe who knows...just my thoughts! Mirabelle xx
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    atlantic crossing

    "Congratulations Steve!!! what a fantastic acheivement... Sarah must be over the moon to have you all back safe and sound.. Merry Christmas and a Happy Nwe Year to you all. Love, Mirabelle xx
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    Drew off-screen / Nick on

    Hi Vegasplayer Yes! you did hear correct..Drew left as a presenter, and returned as a producer! "A shame as he was a good presenter! Mirabelle xx
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    no metal rings

    Hi All, Yes I agree there Mrs James, I received my black agate flower ring 10 mins ago, Its absolutely gorgeous, but as you say a slim fitting N more like an M.1/2 fit on me, non the less fits my right hand 3rd finger so am well pleased. Mirabelle xx
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    Tony Poole returns to the Help Team

    Great news John..Good to have you back in customer service Tony!!
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    "Today is Katherine's last official day!

    :) Well Katherine that last week at Rockstv came around far too quick hun! :eek: No doubt there are going to be lots of tears today at Rockstv.. I know I will shed a few Katherine! I am going to miss you terribly and our little chats.. "Good luck! in your new job! but if you dont like it...
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    Rocks TV on the Telly

    "Congratulatiions to The Bennetts!! Firstly..Let me say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year... to all The Bennett Family!!! :) Secondly...What an absolute cracking Idea and I wish you every success with the new venture "Congratulations and well done!! Thirdly.. Safe sailing to all the...
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    I'm hopping mad..discraceful intimidating action

    Hi Sarah, Thank you for your post and explaination, I was mortified too to receive this call out of the blue,and for my husband to answer the phone when it rang I was left shame faced, my hubby wanted to know what was wrong with me. I've been so upset all morning,I needed to let off steam...
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    I'm hopping mad..discraceful intimidating action

    Hi Katherine, Thanks for your input hun, and yes i know you've not been a part of CS for a good long while...and Jayne is fantastic... But i still stand by what ive said, this telephone calling is intimidating and i still feel the majority of Rocks customers will not take kindly to being...
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    I'm hopping mad..discraceful intimidating action

    Thanks Pepsi for your input...Dont know whats happened to the thank you button its gone! Mirabelle x
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    I'm hopping mad..discraceful intimidating action

    Well you can certainly tell Katherine is no longer in customer services!!! I've just received a phone call from Charlie (One of the new CS ) saying the call was to remind me of a couple of items in my basket that expire tonight at if i didnt know that already, I always wait for the...
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    Katherine leaving Rockstv- Bye Katherine!!!

    :hi: I was so shocked to get an email from the lovely Katherine the other day to say she is leaving Rockstv within a week, but will pop up now and again to help out in customer service for the holiday period! I'm so sorry to hear she is leaving, she was the backbone of Rocks customer care, but...
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    "They deserve an award!!!

    I would just like to say thats Rockstv customer service are the tops!!! :up2: "They deserve an award as recognition of their outstanding customer care!! Keep up the great work...:clapping: Love Mirabelle xx :40:
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    Thankgoodness its friday, and fiona is back!!!!

    :cheeky: We can only hope so Graham! "Nice to see Fi back again though!!! Mirabelle xx:flower:
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    Welcome to Rockstv were absolutely brilliant on your first day.. Its always a pleasure to watch you present, it must seem like the good old days again working with Steve, Sarah, Barry... you looked right at home Matt! just as Rod did on his first day! Keep smiling, you're doing...
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    Pam Aujla joins GemsTV

    Blimey!!!!..something is really going wrong if Gems Directors are leaving!!!!!