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  1. Rudolf

    And the post of the Year goes to.......

    Very, very funny and oh so true! All of Yolanda's posts are winners.
  2. Rudolf

    Kipling bags - what's the attraction?

    The monkey is a complete no no, but I have a couple because they are light, strong, got lots of pockets and compartments and they can go in a washing machine. They are not a 'posh' bag but a functional one. I don't have a job where I go out and about or meet people very much so they are ideal...
  3. Rudolf

    Smashbox Halo Vs. LG Balance N Brighten

    Halo - less drying and a better colour - but the LG one is better to take out. Halo is in a big container that is also, sadly unreliable. The spring on the compact has gone on two of mine and the same thing has happened to others on here.
  4. Rudolf

    what were u thinking of when u bought that?

    ...oh well - most of it! Before I started to watch QVC I never knew I never knew I did didn't need so much tutt. Havge seriously curbed QVC spending now.
  5. Rudolf

    I've just had 'the phone call'!!!!!

    Each purchase is individual. Any programme aired at any time of day or night BRAGS over and over again that you should try the item - get it home - use it in your own surroundings etc etc etc etc etc and if not satisfied return within 30 days. If you do not mean this, QVC, do not harp on about...
  6. Rudolf

    OMG Used item sent out as new.

    I am very worried about the state of QVCs 'net'. The holes in this net seem to have reached an incredible size. Previous threads on here have shown that all sorts of used items have fallen through this 'net'.
  7. Rudolf

    Shocking p&p rate on.......!

    I bought these brushes when they were p and p free and they are lovely. I would not have bought with 5 quid odd p and p. QVC must be paying more in insurance for when goods are returned. I bet a lot more people send stuff back these days. The p and p charges put me off buying a lot of things...
  8. Rudolf

    The Bobby Brown creamy concealer

    Well, I think I know the answer. the very small jiffy bag that this would arrive in is lined with gold leaf...
  9. Rudolf

    Beauty products Squalene

    Makes you wonder what on earth we are chucking on ourselves. I had no idea there was such a thing called squalene and much less that something from a shark's liver could be used in cosmetics.
  10. Rudolf

    I bought this today

    Lovely bag. Definitely option C
  11. Rudolf


    EVERYTHING on QVC will now be a bore until he is back. ...unless of course, Germany do refuse to let him back in... PLEASE QVC, hire Harald to flog all you have. I'd pay money to see him do the DIY shows!
  12. Rudolf

    Hello, I'm New....ish

    Hi Artemis and NMSE... hope you are having a great day - sun shining here and all is well in Pompoo land!!!
  13. Rudolf


    1. Hi Artemis! 2. QVC should sack all other presenters NOW - let's see Harald present the DIY, Easiyo yoghurt, garden equipment, craft etc etc. Best laugh had in ages. Was he made of foam rubber? Best bit was when he was reclined on chaise longue!!!
  14. Rudolf

    Lessons in Beauty TSV 5/8/09

    Think would glow in the dark with that lot on. I am sure today's products are aimed at trannies.
  15. Rudolf

    Philip Kingsley expert

    He used to have really short choppy cut grey hair and it suited him. I saw him this am and thought he was wearing a wig! Maybe he has his eye on the POMPOOS 'bloke' and has done himself up like dinner of dog...
  16. Rudolf

    Customer Beauty Awards - The Winners

    Yes - thought it was a good buy. Only use once a week/two weeks. It does what they say - makes your hair feel clean and 'light'. Have just finished 400ml set after a year. Would buy again.
  17. Rudolf

    Beauty Day 19th September

    Mybe the eye primer - that's new. PS I ma (water) closet F.A.R.T.
  18. Rudolf

    Lessons in Beauty TSV 5/8/09

    My daughter tried this MMU before any others. She bought it at a stall in Bluewater. She did not like it. It mad her break out and also if anyone does not like that shiny look that MMU can give this one is the 100 watt version...
  19. Rudolf

    Beauty Day 19th September

    I am on the edge... to F.A.R.T. or not to F.A.R.T. that is the question...
  20. Rudolf

    Beauty Day 19th September

    If it is a Smashbox TSV my bet is it will have the handbag Halo