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  1. M

    Visit to a Mine!

    Thankyou for sharing with us it sounds like you had wonderful experience and your pictures brings it to life.
  2. M

    Meet Martha

    What a cutie
  3. M

    My Friend's Lovely Boxer Girl Gave us a Total Fright

    Let us know when you have some news on your friends dog and lets hope its nothing to serious ,11years old is quite a good age for boxers though but as you said its quite scary when something like that happens suddenly and you dont know what to do or why its happened .
  4. M

    Slap The Head Moment-Join Clothing

    can you imagin getting one of these items of cloths out of the washer and trying to find what way up it should be and how the hell would you go about trying to iron it its all buttons and pockets and hoods and sleeves oh and of course drapes not to mention you can wear it inside out and upside...
  5. M

    Gems tv on web prices in dollars?

    I tried again today and it seems to be back to normal on the web !!
  6. M

    Gems tv on web prices in dollars?

    I can get it on the sky channels as usual on the telly but not on the web might try again later
  7. M

    Gems tv on web prices in dollars?

    The only gems I can get on the web today is selling in dollars the same as the USA site and I cant log in as it says my log in details are incorrect , and theres no gems extra or jewellery maker link on the front page that I can see not sure whats going on now and I'm not sure I can be bothered...
  8. M

    Hope it chokes them!

    I had an aunt who had a fairly big plant nursery and sold packs of bedding plants at the front of the property on a large barrow with a price list attached and asked customers to put the money through the letter box and most people were totaly honest and paid the price and sometimes she would...
  9. M

    Is it a real sale?

    Is'nt it sad that most of us that loved Rocks when it first started have seen such a decline in all aspects of the company,I rarely watch and very rarely buy anything from them now but looking on the bright side I bought some really lovely pieces of jewellery at that time which I could'nt afford...
  10. M

    Is it a real sale?

    For the first time in ages I went to have a look at Gems the truth is I was channel hopping and after a couple of items in the mega sale Adina (with the sound on mute )was showing a petalite silver ring exactly like I bought several months ago for £12.99 and the fantastic sale price in the under...
  11. M

    A very sad day

    Thanks to everyone for your very kind words I've had a good cry reading your lovely posts and its nice to know you all understand how awful it is to have to say goodbye to a much loved pet I know a lot of people will think its only a cat but as you all know it is'nt it's something much more...
  12. M

    A very sad day

    This is the day we have been dreading for quite a long time our beautiful girl Milly has been put to sleep she took a turn for the worse and we had to admit that the time had come to say goodbye to her you just know in your heart when the time is right . She has been poorly with a thyroid...
  13. M

    London 2012

    I'm waiting to see the modern pentathlon because Sam Weale is competing in this and he and his twin brother went to school with my son as we lived in the same little village so a bit of local interest for us I do hope he does well .
  14. M

    London 2012

    I enjoyed the opening ceremony overall but like most have already said Macca was a disaster,did'nt know who Arctic Monkeys were and I thought a very sad moment when Mohamad Ali was wheeled out he certainly did'nt look like he knew what was going on ,as for the Queen and Prince Phillip I think...
  15. M

    Gems TV USA

    I also noticed a lot of the cheaper silver pieces being auctioned
  16. M

    Gems TV USA

    I dont know what a dollar is compared to the pound but the prices do seem to drop until the items are sold I had a look at the offering for a little while yesterday and Ruth was gabbling on 19 to the dozen and repeating herself over and over like she does and then handed over to Lindsey Carr...
  17. M

    Whata Bra Shock

    The trouble I found with these Bras is although they all look the same they can be quite different when you get them home and try them on I bought a single Genie bra to try just to see if I liked them and actually really liked it so decided to get some more but seen an advert for 4Belvia bras...
  18. M

    Angeline is leaving GemsTV?

    I wonder who is going to be lucky to have Alan working for them next , I really liked him he's probably the best presenter on the shopping channels
  19. M

    Angeline is leaving GemsTV?

    Blimey Graham!! have you been watching lately? I'd say Vicki is a true pro compared with some of the presenters recently on lol
  20. M

    new postage and late deliveries

    I think you'll find a lot of peeps have been saying the same thing for a long time now, perhapes its time to look for a company who does want your custom and appreciate you and not just your money