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  1. sublime

    Advice on ebay refund please

    Yay, glad you got your money back. Let's hope the same item comes up again, and it's an even better bargain.
  2. sublime

    Advice on ebay refund please

    Have a look at this page, DD: The box on the right gives the links to the info you need, the left hand side links help you to start the process. With any luck, you won't need any of it. Just in case it's useful, though, I've been down the route of reclaiming...
  3. sublime

    Advice on ebay refund please

    You'll get an immediate email from Paypal to tell you the money's back in your account, DD. Is he a regular seller? Is he waiting for auctions to end so he'll have money in his Paypal account to refund you? In other words, why is he dragging his feet?!!! With any luck, he'll cough up soon, but...
  4. sublime

    Advice on ebay refund please

    You could ask him to list it as a Buy It Now for you, then you could pay via Paypal and get the same level of protection. Just a couple of things to watch out for; Some sellers suddenly and mysteriously lose or damage items before the buyer gets them. Of course accidents can happen, and your...
  5. sublime

    Christmas bargain tip offs

    Not a sale item or special offer, as such, but Uniqlo is selling Orla Kiely scarves at £9.90. Her silk scarves are about £100 each, and these are polyester. Don't let that put you off - it's not that thin slippery stuff, they're in a soft woven fabric which is comfortable against the skin. I...
  6. sublime

    Watch out!

    I wonder if it's also that since we have technology we get to hear of the scams, too? In days gone by, you'd get ripped off by some bloke offering to tarmac your drive or cut back your hedges, and you'd grumble to your neighbours. Now you can warn the world about that tradesman who takes your...
  7. sublime

    Purple help needed

    Another vote for grey from me. If you go into M&S, take a look at their budget range make up. It's very good, and they do a soft eyeliner pencil in a colour called Smoke. I think the last one I bought was £3 - bargain! It's grey, but has the tinest smidgeon of indigo in there, which looks fab...
  8. sublime

    Good City to Spend New Year

  9. sublime

    Good City to Spend New Year

    Cardiff has a gigantic fireworks display. [We must have some local councillor who's a fireworks fiend.] It can be seen and heard all over the city, just ask my quivering dog and cat. :thinking: Enjoy your visit here next weekend, Rosey. If you head into St Davids 2 - the biggest shopping...
  10. sublime

    Good City to Spend New Year

    Any of the Guardian's suggestions take your fancy, Rosey? I can recommend Tenby, Pembs, which is on the list, but you won't find theatre other than panto, and there are no big stores, just cobbled streets with...
  11. sublime

    Spooky Strictly 27th October

    Haaa! Half the fun of the results show is watching just to see how many times they slip up with comments like 'Earlier toooooo-laaaast night ... erm ...' And Colin only stayed because Kristina threw herself around at such speed :mysmilie_378: that he just became a large purple sequinned...
  12. sublime

    Time line for benefit reforms

    Wow, that's really good, PAL, and it's so lovely to have you back with us.
  13. sublime


    I love my breadmaker. It's a Morphy Richards, but it's about five years old now, so I'm sure there are more advanced models around these days. It's not my first breadmaker, I burnt the others out with years of overuse, so you'll understand I'm a devotee. :clapping: Just a thought, but to...
  14. sublime

    Gents soap?

    Another vote for L'Occitane from me. Have you seen their wood soaps, MrsW? There's a trio of them here:,83,1,29810,322898.htm or you can buy them as singles at £7 each. The photo doesn't show them off properly, but they really do look like ovals of...
  15. sublime

    Unwanted guest

    If they're anything like wasps, this year's new queen hornets leave their compatriots and look for shelter to overwinter before finding somewhere to build a nest in the spring. I've splatted two queen wasps in the past few weeks, they seem to be everywhere this year.
  16. sublime

    Kindle Fire

    Anyone else bought the new Kindle Fire, out today? Mine turned up this morning, and even though I'm up to my eyeballs in work, I haven't been able to resist having a play. I'm quite impressed so far. :clapping: It's not as smooth as the iPad, but it's considerably cheaper and much lighter to...
  17. sublime

    What do you think?

    On another site I frequent, in addition to like/agree/disagree, etc, there's also a 'love' button. [Stop sniggering at the back there.] It works in two ways; either you 'love' the post [our cute animal videos, for example] or it's used as a way of sending love to the poster, often when someone...
  18. sublime

    I need it more than you do:)

    Efficient, indeed! We noticed, in the awful, empty weeks between losing our elderly dog and acquiring Millie, just how much leftover food suddenly filled the bin. Who needs an extra dustbin when your doggy friend's there to help?!
  19. sublime

    Jimmy Saville

    I'd be a lot more sympathetic to the journalists caught up in the Leveson enquiry if they'd unmasked Savile and his ilk, rather than aiming for celeb tittle-tattle and grieving families. I do remember that when I was at school, we heard rumours about girls being picked out of the Top of the...
  20. sublime

    Strictly 2012 20th-21st Its Movie Time

    John Barrowman's been linked to Brucie's job several times, hasn't he? He can actually dance, too, which immediately gives him an edge over Vermin et al in my book. I was sorry to see Jerry leave. I met her briefly a couple of years ago and she is astonishingly beautiful in the flesh, in a way...