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  1. sublime

    Richard III

    I didn't disbelieve it, AD, in fact, it rang a bell hidden deep in my memory. It also kept me laughing like a hyena for hours afterwards, and thank you, I really needed it! 'Twas indeed Harry and Judith I spent part of my young life watching. Oh, and Tyne Tees TV is still going, and it merged...
  2. sublime

    Richard III

    Look North once led with a story of a man who thought he might give up keeping bees as a hobby. I thought that really plumbed the depths, but BirdsNestGate has just become my new fave. :clapping:
  3. sublime

    Richard III

    It was good, wasn't it? I started off finding Philippa really irritating but her genuine passion for her subject won me over. I loved the combination of archaeology, forensics, science and history to develop the team's conclusions. Did anyone turn over to More4 afterwards to watch the Starkey...
  4. sublime

    Richard III

    Programme just starting ... I've been somewhat gripped by this story. OK, completely gripped.
  5. sublime

    waxed, tinted and preened

    Was it horrendously painful to get her eyelids tattooed? I have fair eyelashes and they're virtually nonexistent at the moment. I half wondered about having the thinnest, most subtle eyeliner tattoo, but I'm a total wimp and I'm not sure I could stand the pain.
  6. sublime

    Any Caribbean Cruisers around with advice or tips for a first timer?

    I asked my husband's advice about this, because he's a highly experienced traveller - he's done quite a bit of travel writing. He suggests that you email the hotel about a week or so before you travel, explain the situation and ask if they have an arrangement to either get people to the port...
  7. sublime

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Speidi have their own series? Yikes, spare us. They're also claiming that during BB they feared for their lives and thought the other housemates were going to kill them. [Yeah, that ClareFromSteps really is a vicious wild-eyed psychopath with a lust for freshly spilled blood ...]
  8. sublime

    What are you having for your tea / dinner or whatever?

    Another Quorn fan here. I needed comfort food, so I had Quorn-pretendy-chicken in breadcrumbs with mozzarella, granary bread, and a salad with loads of coriander. Then I decided I needed comfort drink as well and had a glass of wine. Hic. Enjoy your night out, Weathergirl!
  9. sublime

    Bad Lip Reading - The Inauguration

    Oh, so funny! The latest Bad Lip Reading video has just gone viral, and this one features Obama and Beyonce. I defy anyone not to laugh like a drain at Beyonce. :grin:
  10. sublime

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Ha! The last time I voted it was for Anna the Lesbian Nun.
  11. sublime

    PPI calls

    If the call centre is outside the UK they can do what they like, and TPS can't touch 'em, sadly. Caller display is a great invention - I don't answer 0800, 0845, or international numbers. If I were you, tristar, I'd still register with TPS. It only takes a second to do it online, and it really...
  12. sublime

    What a day I've had!!!

    Sheesh, it sounds hairy, Tinkerbelle. Take a deep breath, pull down those tense shoulders, try a big smile to relax a clenched jaw. Then buy a lottery ticket and dream of your escape. Let us know how tomorrow goes, and remember that we'll be here to offer support if you need it.
  13. sublime

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Tut. Very bad form, two posts in a row, I know, but I had to share this: It's a selection of the best snow photos that the BBC has received, showing both the joys and the tribulations. Some of the photos are stunningly beautiful, and some made me laugh out...
  14. sublime

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    :song: Snow had fallen, snow on snow Snoww-wooh-woohh on snoooow ... :song: We're maroooooned, I tell ye! Marooooned!! Ahem. Sorry. Just had a mental white-out. It's bucketing down again in Cardiff. Thick, swirly white flakes have blanketed us in another thick layer of snow. Fool that I...
  15. sublime

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Glad it's not just me then! I really felt for Claire. She's getting loads of stick on DS for leaving her kids at home for three weeks, though. Strange that none of the fathers in CBB are attracting anything like the same level of vitriol.
  16. sublime

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Sheesh - it's a travesty. Rylan Clark has been allowed out of the house regularly to go and rehearse for the X Factor tour.
  17. sublime

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Did you see 'Winterwatch' on Saturday, ND? It was a programme all about the winter of 1963 and how people coped. We were watching it at teatime on BBC2, so it's probably on BBC iPlayer now, if you take a look. It's an odd programme - it dawned on me that in 1963, women were either invisible or...
  18. sublime

    Tigers Enjoying the Snow

    Here's an entertaining video of the tigers at Longleat playing in the snow yesterday. There are shots which will make you gasp!
  19. sublime

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Is it just me, or was that Speidi love for Speidi speech so rehearsed it was laughable? She probably trots the same tosh out on every reality show they turn up on. PS I' ve read Fifty Shades, petpixie. :happy:
  20. sublime

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Brrrr, 10,000 homes in South and West Wales without electricity, poor things. I tramped my way to work and back in thick snow which was starting to turn slushy. We're promised bitter temperatures tonight, so tomorrow will be far worse if we're one big ice rink by the morning. Ha! The light...