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  1. Elliementary

    Help with a return please?

    There is a link to 'myhermes' on the QVC website: it's underlined in blue. If you click on that, it will take you to the returns section. You will need a printer, though, for the label.
  2. Elliementary

    Have To Admit This Made Me Cry

    Thank you, Twilight. Jasper is my avatar. I have to chase Jamie round the house, to get his picture. Just one of his little idiosyncrasies! Jasper's a real poser. I forgot to mention that he (Jasper) doesn't purr, which no-one's been able to explain, for us. Instead, his body buzzes, or...
  3. Elliementary

    Have To Admit This Made Me Cry

    I fell for our first cat, Jamie, on the Scottish SPCA website. I had wanted a black cat, and ended up with a tabby & white! Our second cat, Jasper, came our way by chance. We had noticed that Jamie seemed a bit down, and realised he needed a pal. I contacted a local cat rescue charity, and...
  4. Elliementary

    Do we need a reminder?

    Such awful times. Sorry to hear about your friends, Twilight.
  5. Elliementary

    Julia Roberts

    When I was a kid, we had family friends whose surname was Glen. And yes, they called their daughter Heather. Almost as bad as Theresa Green.
  6. Elliementary

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I buy an emu oil treatment from Zipvit, which is very effective, and very comforting. Sorry, I can't do links, but this is what it's called on their website: Glucosamine and Emu Joint Gel Blume + Magnesium
  7. Elliementary

    Julia Roberts

    Thanks, CC. I completely agree, she looks much better. I haven't figured out how to reply, on this new-style forum. When I try, it will only let me type in the blue area of the post I want to reply to. Maybe I'm juat being thick!
  8. Elliementary

    Julia Roberts

    Can anyone tell me, please, which hour she wore the trousers? Being naturally nosy, I'd like to have a look. Thanks.
  9. Elliementary


    When you see her from your kitchen, put on your brightest, cheeriest smile, and give her a friendly wave. I'll bet that would really piss her off. And you can have a good giggle to yourself. I expect your neighbours can see her behaviour for what it is: spiteful, childish, and very...
  10. Elliementary


    A happy & safe Easter to everyone. Also to small, furry companions.
  11. Elliementary


  12. Elliementary

    As an absent viewer......

    Some yarn stores are still taking online orders: Wool Warehouse, Love Crafts and Deramore's, I think are the biggest ones. There's a bit of a delay in shipping, as they've been swamped with orders! Knitting is my main pastime, and I've got a stash that should last me well beyond the lockdown...
  13. Elliementary


    I've been housebound for quite some time, so, apart from worrying about running out of pot noodle (who said that?!) and caviar, life is much the same. That is, if you don't watch the news, or read the papers. Then I get on my soapbox, and have a good rant about the behaviour of the idiot...
  14. Elliementary


    It's got so bad in Italy, that they are talking about not being able to provide intensive care beds to the over 80s, and having to make hard decisions regarding who will benefit (ie survive) most, from the available medical care. So, basically having to decide, who lives, and who dies. I think...
  15. Elliementary

    Attitude By Renee TSV 16/03/20

    Happened to catch Alex Kramer on the Gatineau hour, and I wondered why she was wearing her nightie. Then I realised, it must be Renee's TSV. Whoops.
  16. Elliementary


    I did catch a little of one show, and yes, she really is struggling to speak. I'm sure she could afford to have implants, not dodgy dentures. I did wonder if her cheeks have been pulled so tight, that she's having some difficulty moving her mouth. She certainly looks great, maybe the speaking...
  17. Elliementary

    AM I .......

    I had a look through the 'items recently on air', but there were no shots of the boots. I shall just have to use my imagination, I think!
  18. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne TSV 18/02/20

    Marla at least had something interesting to say about her clothes. Melissa just bores me senseless. Most of the time I want to watch something on Q, I record it, then watch it back at x 30.
  19. Elliementary

    Bella magazine & julia roberts

    Somebody better warn Miceal!
  20. Elliementary

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Barf. Barf.