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  1. Paul_s

    Random musings and general banter.

    :mysmilie_471: Dirty Peter... he almost blurted out 09042512000 on a live sales pitch with Ideal World when he first started presenting. Nothing changes. I can't wait until the Tanzanite mine re-opens and Peter asks senior IW management to have a collection for the Poppy appeal (good cause)...
  2. Paul_s

    I do miss them sometimes

    haha, yeah IW is the new Bid. I'll give it a year for Peter Simon will return to give us his 10pm Larry Grayson walk on routine. The amount of ex-Bid employees at IW is a little OTT. Peter Sherlock Sally Flapjack James Russell I'm almost certain one of them will show up at some point :D
  3. Paul_s

    Getting to know Peter Simon

    I can't believe IW took on PS. Seriously?! Did anyone watch the Omniblend demo today - it was like watching someone on illegal drugs the way he was acting. He even, at one point, grabbed hold of the other chaps cheeks (I did spot the other guy who almost lost his cool at that point). Oh hi by...
  4. Paul_s

    Peter Simon

    Welcome to the world of Peter Simon! :mysmilie_17: As an ex-Bid fan we've had to put up with the shenanigans for a long time. Everything he says on Gems has been done to death already on It's pretty much a repeat of a repeat of a repeat. :mysmilie_51:
  5. Paul_s

    Peter Simon

    saw that Tanzanite ring too. I see bad things happening in the not too distant future for Gems. But he does seem to shift the stock; some folk must like him out there...
  6. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Ideal World - cross between QVC (dull, conservative but honest) and Situp (in the way of upbeat presenters). For me the best shopping channel out there at the moment is Gems TV - it's vibrant, good presenters and they actually know what they're talking about (apart from Peter Simon)...
  7. Paul_s

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Outlet channel won't be around for long - I can feel it in my loins.
  8. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    It's true, I feel a bit lost without good old Bid (I didn't make any complaints by the way - even though they were justified). Let's face it though they had been in financial trouble before ASA complaints were launched - in 2008 their finances took a massive nose dive when Virgin sold the...
  9. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Mr. Wirral - that's it! :) haha, First time I saw Mike since his Bid days yesterday. I don't really make a habit of watching much shopping telly now - Bid was a guilty pleasure (for all the wrong reasons :mysmilie_17: ). Now, Gems TV (up until 11am --- until the 'Three Stooges in One' is on...
  10. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I don't dislike or hate Mike - I reckon in real life he's actually quite decent. For me personally it's the way he comes across in his presentations - it's all a bit delboy/down at the market. I don't think he ever did get any ASA complaints but he has in the past gone over the top with his...
  11. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I would tend to agree. Managed to catch up with Mike yesterday selling the halogen oven and he's a bit like Peter Simon in that his sales pitches are still very much Bid-esque. Goddess Phone lines are going mental etc etc All kind of predictable although he probably won't get away with the...
  12. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    yes it is, I will retract that then :grin:
  13. Paul_s

    Overweight Presenters

    whoever said that is crazy. It's not so much calories but the quality of the food you're eating that's important. I love how they tout a low fat diet - when low fat products tend to include greater amounts of sugar and other questionable ingredients...
  14. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    when's Mike on Ideal World? Not had the pleasure of watching one of his shows yet. On my bucket list; Mike Mason Peter Simon (watched, horrible experience, out of his depth etc) Brash (watched, appeared quite normal and not over the top for once) Paul Becque (changed a lot since his departure...
  15. Paul_s

    Overweight Presenters

    not surprising given the fact they issue out of date nutritional advice.
  16. Paul_s

    Joe Remblence

    haha, I actually asked to be put on the course (that was 4 years ago!!!). Needless to say it still fascinates me what it's all about.
  17. Paul_s

    Brash TV

    I too wish them all the best but in its current state I'll give it a month.
  18. Paul_s

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Just watching it now, looks as though they're broadcasting from the BBC Broom cupboard (defunct since the mid 1990's) :grin: Agreed on the music. Looks as though the ghost of Bid is going to be flogged like a dead horse for a while yet...
  19. Paul_s

    favourite presenter

    I switched off a bit ago, it's all a bit too much :grin: - she's lovely :mysmilie_50:
  20. Paul_s

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    do you still have the recording of Mike on the telephone with his threats of legal action (surely against his own morals as it would mean you having to bring out the worry angels?)? Does the bass reflex sheet move when you hold it over the receiver? :grin: