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  1. M

    SCS using music

    Just seen the latest SCS advert. I was a bit surprised to hear them playing the music, which I assumed was a composition created especially for the bidding channel.
  2. M

    Peter Simons Sales Techniques ! !

    Peter's a real gem. I didn't watch him last night. But after reading your post I feel as though I did. :happy:
  3. M

    "It's rare and should have sold for SO much more..."

    Didn't he used his other favourite line: We paid a lot more than this? :giggle: The poor old ASA must have a whole department to deal with complains about his gaffs.
  4. M

    QVC Beauty

    QVC Beauty - is it new? I was flicking through the Freeview EPG and discovered a channel on LCN 48 called QVC Beauty. It's not on-air at the moment, but a caption says it'll be back at 8am and can be viewed online at
  5. M

    Another Peter Simon LOL moment

    Ooops, posted to wrong forum. Peter Simon is too classy for Ideal World. :happy:
  6. M

    Another Peter Simon LOL moment

    Caught the end of Peter Simon's stint on this morning at 1.30am. After Peter gave thanks to everyone behind the scenes the director gave us a long shot, with Peter in the background and a wheelchair in the foreground. It was almost as if it was there to wheel him off. :happy:
  7. M

    Moira C Vellutti Bag With Windmill Tag And Free Luxury Scarflace

    Is that the one that breaks apart into several different bags? Earlier Moria was showing how easy it is to conceal it under clothes. I thought the lump make it look as though she has some sort of lower back fatty deposit.
  8. M

    I need help...someone slap me

    You could buy it and just wear it around your home, then no one else would know. I'm sure we all have things in the closet that only come out after dark. Or is it just me? :blush:
  9. M

    Is IW live? Also BAMIX comments.

    I think sometimes the 11pm and/or midnight slots are repeats. It usually says so at the bottom right of the screen, but sometimes they forget to add the marker. The 11pm slot is always virtually identical to the 9pm one, so I'm not sure why they don't simply repeat the 9pm programme at 11pm...
  10. M

    Easter Easy Pay Offer

    5% cashback from Quidco? Topcashback is offering 6.06% cashback on QVC purchases and they don't charge an annual fee like Quidco does.
  11. M

    Ideal World Channel Sold for £78m

    Wonder if they bought it on Flexi-pay? And does it come with a 90 30 16 day money-back guarantee?
  12. M

    Tut Tut more porkies

    Ah, I see. Probably not a good idea for them to highlight the item was sold cheaper on a sister channel. :happy:
  13. M

    Tut Tut more porkies

    Possible get out: <> :devil:
  14. M

    Bid tv are lying

    Hmmm, I've just seen the auction and, coincidently, the advert which was shown about twenty minutes later. You're correct, the camera sold for £18.99 but was advertised at £17.99. Maybe they have a get out if they sell/auction the same camera for £17.99 on another occasion during the...
  15. M

    ordered this

    Oh well, at least it's machine washable so you won't have to go down to the river and pound it against stones. I pop two types of sleeping pills most nights to help me sleep. If I don't take them I'm awake all night. Anyway, between taking them and going to bed I do all sorts of unusual...
  16. M

    hands up if you think some Gems TV staff are putting strange threads on here?

    Are you referring to michael21? I doubt he has anything to do with Gems TV. He simply seems to have an over-active interest in the technical side of things. :grin:
  17. M


    I saw them (or flogging the ear rings version of this. Perhaps that would have been more your sort of thing? :happy:
  18. M

    Peter Simon's been a naughty bunny again

    Unfortunately it hasn't made its way to YouTube, but there are plenty of other Peter Simon cock-ups there. :happy:
  19. M

    Peter Simon's been a naughty bunny again

    Peter Simon's been a naughty bunny again. A few minutes ago he meant to say power cut, but said power c*nt. :happy:
  20. M

    Is it ACTUALLY Paraiba Tourmaline??

    I think we'll just have to agree to disagree about this. :handshake: And something else we can probably both agree with: at the end of the day, if the purchaser is happy with what they've bought and the price they paid, it doesn't really matter what the value of the item is or how much it's...